In every language words are categorized on the basis of their usage and nature, It may be called parts of speech. Having good knowledge of grammar and its usage & use, awareness of these word categories are very important. In this post, you will find all the parts of speech in detail with an appropriate example.
Parts of Speech
- Noun
- Pronoun
- Verb
- Adjective
- Adverb
- Interjection
- Conjunction
- Preposition
Noun and Type of Noun

Noun: a word that refers to a person, place, thing, event, substance, or quality: Like Merry, man, women, Mobile, music concert, milk, beauty, etc.
Types of Noun
- Common noun: they refer to the general name of people, animals, places, or things. Like doctors, animal, river, man, women, city, phone, etc,
- Proper noun: They refer to the particular name of a person, an animal, a place, or a thing. Like Monis, new york, merry, iPhone pro, etc
- Collective noun: They refer to the name of the group of people, animals, or things. Like army, class, crowd, flock, bunch, etc
- Material Noun: They refer to the name of substances from which concrete things are made. Like milk, wood, iron brass, cement, etc.
- Concrete Noun: book, mobile, ring, toys, glass, etc.
- Abstract noun: They refer to an idea, a feeling, or a quality that can not be seen or touched. Like thinking, honesty, idea, patience, truth, etc
- Countable noun: they refer to things that can be counted. Like students, money, boys, etc.
- Uncountable noun: They refer to the things that can not be counted. Like rice, oil, water, hair, sugar, etc.
- Common noun: man, woman, autorickshaw, desk, etc.
- Plural noun: men, children, people, mangoes, teachers, etc.
- Compound noun: table tennis, toothpaste, blackboard, etc.
Pronoun: a word that is used instead of a noun or a noun phrase, Pronouns are often used to refer to a noun that has already been mentioned
Ex. Jimmy is a nice boy. He wakes up in the early morning. Pronunciations are He, She, They, you, we, you, it, etc
Types of Pronouns

- Subjective Pronoun: I, we, you, they, It, he, she.
2. Objective Pronouns: me, us, you, them, it, her, him
3. Possessive Adjectives: my, our, their, its, her, him yours.
4. Possessive pronoun: mine yours, his, hers, ours, theirs
5. Reflexive Pronoun: Myself, yourself, yourself, yourself, yourselves, Oneself, Itself, Himself, Herself, Ourselves.
6. Indefinite Pronoun [ 3rd Person Singular]: Someone/Somebody/, Anyone/Anybody, No one/Nobody, One, Everyone/Everybody, Something, Anything, Each, Every, Other, Nothing, Everything, Little, Much, Either, Neither, Another, etc.
6.1 3rd Person Plural: Both, Few, Many, Several, Others.
6.2 3rd Person Singular or Plural: All, Some, More, None, Any.
Adjective and Types of Adjective

Adjective: a word that describes a noun or pronoun for example. My mother is kind, her father is tall.
Adjective of quality/description: Neha is a beautiful girl.
Adjective of quantity: The poor man wants some money.
Adjective of number: There are forty students in my class.
Demonstrative adjective: This drama is written by Shakespeare.
Interrogative adjective: Which fruit do you like?
Possessive adjective: My brother is a doctor.
Verbs and Types of Verbs
Verb: a word or phrase that describes an action, condition, or experience Example: “run“, “keep“, and “feel” are all verbs
Transitive Verbs: Transitive Verbs are verbs that have an object. Example:- Mohan plays hockey.

Intransitive Verbs: Intransitive Verbs are verbs that do not have an object.Example:- John jumps. baby sleeps, they cry
Finite verbs: are verbs that change their forms when there is a change in the person and number of the subject. Example:- He comes to school.
Non-finite verbs: Non-finite verbs are verbs that do not change their form when the person and number of subject change. Example:- Mohan wants to go to Agra to see the Taj. Mohan and Sohan want to go to Agra to see the Taj.
Regular Verbs: Many English verbs are regular, which means that they form their different tenses according to an established pattern. Look at the below examples
Verb: Love, laugh, work, want
3rd person singular present tense: She loves her baby, He laughs at him.
3rd person singular past tense: she loved her baby, he laughed at him
Past participle: lived, laughed, wanted, worked
Present Participle: loving, laughing. wanting, working
Irregular Verbs: There are many irregular verbs that don’t follow the normal rules. Here are the forms of some of the most common irregular verbs. look at the given Examples

Adverb and Types of Adverb
Adverb: a word that describes or gives more information about a verb, adjective, adverb, or phrase
for example: She ran quickly. They speak fast. Look here different types of adverb
Adverbs of manner: it shows how an action is performed. Example: Raju talks politely
Adverb of Place: it shows where the action takes place. For Example: I did not find my watch anywhere
Adverb of Time: It shows when the action takes place. For example: we will go to supermarket tomorrow
Adverb of Frequency: It tells us how often an action takes place. For Example Shalu goes to school regularly
Adverb of Degree: Show us the extent to which an action takes place. example. my sister is very talented.
Interrogative Adverb: it is used to ask questions and is placed at the beginning of a question. for example. why are you so late? Where have they gone?
Prepositions and Types of Prepositions

a word that is used before a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun, connecting it to another word:
For Example: on , in, under ,over etc.
Preposition of Place: at, in, on
Preposition of time: by, after, since
Preposition of movement and direction: towards, into, down
Conjunctions and Types of Conjunctions

a word such as ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘while’, or ‘although’ that connects words, phrases, and clauses in a sentence
Coordination Conjunctions: Examples: for, and, but, so, or, nor
Subordination Conjunctions: Although, after, if, if only, because unless, though, as
Correlative Conjunctions: Either… or, neither…or, both..and. not only.. but also, no sooner….. than