The Voice of Conscience (Panch Parmeshwar)

Class 6th CBSE Board Solution|Question Answer|Summary in Hindi and English

Summary : The Voice of Conscience

Jumman Sheikh and Alagu Chaudhary had friendship. Their views matched. Their friendship was partnered in the transaction. There was mutual trust between them. When Jumman Sheikh went to perform Haj, he left the care of his house on Alagu.

Algu Chaudhary used to do the same. Both of them were friends since childhood, Jumman’s father Jumrati was the teacher of both. Alagu was respected due to wealth because of Jumman’s values.

There is such an event that the friendship of both starts to break up. Actually Jumman’s old Khala called a panchayat. Because despite getting his property to Jumman, he was not serving properly.

Juman’s wife Kariman used to speak tart. “Jumman’s wife Kariman began to give some brisk batons of bitter baton along with rotis. Jumman Sheikh also became destitute. Now poor Khala Jaan always had to hear such things.

“On the other hand, Jumman had his own arguments – “Don’t know how long the old will live. What did you give us two or three bighas, as if bought.” Rotis do not descend without the cooked lentils. As much as the rupiah has poured into its stomach, it would have bought the village by now….

Algu punch was made. The old Khala said- “Son, will you not say Imaan for fear of spoiling?” Alagu gets trapped in an uproar. Alagu thinks again and again – “I will not speak to the Imam for fear of spoiling.”

The old Khala says to the panchayat – “I do not get any stomach bread, nor tan cloth.” I am a careless beau. The court cannot hold court. Who else but you should listen to your grief? You guys should follow the path. Alagu Chaudhary was the punch. He gave the decision to cancel the Hibbnama. Hearing the verdict, Jumman Sheikh comes in silence.

Soon Jumman Sheikh gets a chance in another incident to become the punch between Alagu and Mchu Sahu.Alagu Chaudhary bought a very strong bull from the Batesar fair.

A bull dies from it. Now I used to separate with an ox? He sells it under the hands of Sahu Sahu. Sahu used to take forced labor from him. Used to beat a lot. The feed did not feed the stomach.

The bull falls on the road. At the same time, the harvest falls. But sometimes in the blink of an eye, someone makes the Sahu Sahya rupiah disappear, many canister oils also disappear.

Sahuain curses Alagu for this – “Neither Nigoda would give such a bull of bulls, nor did he lose all his life.” Now Sahu refuses to pay the price of Alagu’s bull. The Panchayat sits in the village. This time the scene was something else. If Alagu is a plaintiff then Jumman Punch.

A sense of responsibility arises in the mind of Jumman. Jumman thinks- “I am sitting on the highest seat of justice and religion right now. Whatever comes out of my mouth will belong to Devvani. “

In the end, Jumman ruled – “Alagu and understanding Sahu! It is right for Sahu Sahu to pay the full price of the bull. Everyone was pleased – “Panch Parmeshwar ki Jai”.

This is called justice! This is not the work of man, God resides in the punch.
After a while, Jumman came to Alagu. Hugged and becomes green again in a withering friendship.

Summary In Hindi: The Voice of Conscience (पंच परमेश्वर)

जुम्मन शेख और अलगू चौधरी में मित्रता थी| उन दोनों के विचार मेल खाते थे| उनकी मित्रता लेन-देन में साझेदारी की थी| ऊँ दोनों में परस्पर विश्वास था | जब जुम्मन शेख हज करने गया तो अपने घर की देखरेख उसने अलगू पर छोड़ रखी थी | अलगू चौधरी भी ऐसा ही करता था | बचपन से ही उन दोनों में मित्रता थी |जुम्मन के पिता जुमराती ही दोनों के शिक्षक थे | जुम्मन का मान विद्या के कारण तो अलगू का सम्मान धन के कारण होता था|

एक ऐसी घटना होती है कि दोनों की मित्रता टूटने लगती है | दरअसल जुम्मन की बूढी खाला ने पंचायत बुलायी | क्योंकि उसकी संपत्ति जुम्मन को मिलने के बावजूद उसकी सेवा ठीक से नहीं हो रही थी | जुम्मन की बीवी करीमन तीखा बोलती थी | “जुम्मन की पत्नी करीमन रोटियों के साथ कड़वी बैटन के कुछ तेज-तीखे  सालन भी देने लगी | जुम्मन शेख भी निष्टुर हो गए | अब बेचारी खाला जान को हमेशा ही ऐसी बातें सुननी पड़ती थी|”

 दूसरी तरफ जुम्मन के अपने तर्क थे – “ बुढिया न जाने कब तक जियेगी |दो-तीन बीघे ऊसर क्या दे दिया, मानो मोल ले लिया| बघारी दाल के बिना रोटियां नहीं उतरती | जितना रुपिया इसके पेट में झोंक चुकें, उतने से तो अब तक गाँव मोल ले लेते…|

 अलगू पंच बनाये गए | बूढी खला ने कहा- “ बेटा क्या बिगाड़ के डर से इमान की बात न कहोगे ?” अलगू उधेड़ बन में फंस जाता है | अलगू बार-बार सोचता है- “किया बिगाड़ के डर से इमां की बात नहीं कहोगे |”

बूढी खाला पंचायत से कहती है – “मुझे न पेट की रोटी मिलती है, न तन का कपड़ा | बेकस बेवा हूँ | कचहरी-दरबार नहीं कर सकती | तुम्हारे सिवा और किसको अपना दुःख सुनोऊँ ? तुम लोग जो राह निकल दो उसी पर चलूँ|

 अलगू चौधरी पंच थे | उन्होंने हिब्बनामा रद्द करने का फैसला दिया | फैसला को सुनकर जुम्मन शेख सन्नाटे में आ जाता है है | शीघ्र ही एक दूसरी घटना में जुम्मन शेख को एक मौका मिलता है अलगू और समझू साहू के बिच पंच बनने का |

  बटेसर मेले से अलगू चौधरी ने बड़े मजबूत बैल ख़रीदे थे | एक बैल उसमे से मर जाता है | अब एक बैल को लेकर अलगू किया करता ? उसने उसे समझू साहू के हाथ से बेच देता है | साहू उससे बेगारी लेता था | खूब पिटाई भी करता था | चारा खाने को भर पेट नही देता था | सड़क पर बैल गिर परता है | वहीँ रात कटनी परती है |

लेकिन किसी समय पलक झपकने पर किसी ने समझू साहू का रुपिया गायब कर देता है, कई कनस्तर तेल भी नदारत | सहुआइन इसके लिए अलगू को कोसती है – “ न निगोड़ा ऐसा कुलच्छनी बैल देता, न जनम भर की कमी लुटती |”

अब अलगू के बैल का दाम साहू देने से इंकार कर देता है | गाँव में पंचायत बैठती है | इसबार मंज़र कुछ और था | अलगू वादी है तो जुम्मन पंच | जुम्मन के मन में जिम्मेदारी का भाव पैदा होता है | जुम्मन सोचता है- “ मैं इस वक़्त न्याय और धर्म के सर्वोच आसन पर बैठा हूँ | मेरे मुह से जो निकलेगा वह देववाणी के होंगे |”

  अंत में जुम्मन ने फैसला सुनाया – “अलगू और समझू साहू ! समझू साहू को उचित है की बैल का पूरा दाम दे | सभी प्रसन्न  हुए – “पंच परमेश्वर की जय|”
       इसे कहते है न्याय ! यह मनुष्य का काम नहीं , पंच में परमेश्वर वास करते है |थोड़ी देर बाद जुम्मन अलगू के पास आये | गले मिले और एक मुरझाई हुई दोस्ती में फिर से हरी हो जाती है|

Comprehension Exercise A

  1. Jumman coaxed his aunt into transferring the property to His name by ..promising to look after her well……
  2. Alagu was uncomfortable when Jumman’s aunt called him to to the panchayat because ..Jumman and Alagu were good friends…
  3. Ramadhan Misra had a score to settle with Jumman because …..

Jumman had persuaded
many of Ramdhan’s workers to come and work for him instead.
Jumman was elated when Alagu was appointed sarpanch because ..he thought Alagu was his good friend and would pass judgment in his favor.

Exercise B: Read the sentence and answer the question:

  1. “Whom do you appoint as panch, Jumman Sheikh? let that be settled. Once the panchayat has spoken, you must abide by the decision.

a) Who said this? Who was finally appointed as sarpanch and by whom?

Ans: Ramdhan Misra said this. Alagu Chowdhary was finally appointed as sarpanch by
Jumman Sheikh’s aunt.

b) What Decision given by the panchayat?

Ans: The panchayat gave the decision that Jumman must give his aunt a monthly
allowance for her maintenance and, in case he was not willing to pay her a reasonable
sum of money, he must return her property to her

2. How faithless, How deceitful Alagu had turned out to be!

a)Who thought that Alagu was deceitful? Why did he think so?

Ans: Jumman thought that Alagu was deceitful. He thought so because Alagu had passed
the verdict in favour of Jumman’s aunt and against Jumman.

b) Do you Think Alagu was Deceitful? give reason for your answer?

Ans:No, I do not think Alagu was deceitful because he listened to the voice of his
conscience and passed impartial judgement. He did not let his friendship overpower
his sense of justice.

3. You sold me half-dead animal. because of him I lost so much money! Now you want payment for a corpse?

a) Who said this? and to whom?

Ans:Samjhu Sahu said this to Alagu Chowdhary.

b) why dod the speaker say that he had lost money because of the animal?

Ans: Samjhu Sahu was very cruel to the bullock he bought from Alagu. One day, due to
overload and exhaustion, the animal collapsed and died on a deserted highway. As a
result, Samjhu, who had to spend the night in his cart, found the next day that he
was robbed of his entire day’s earnings and also his goods. That was why he said that
he had lost money because of the animal.

c) Did the the speaker finally pay for the animal?

Ans: Samjhu did not want to pay for the animal but after the panchayat passed its verdict
he finally paid Alagu the full price of the bullock.

Exercise C: Answer the following Questions:

1.Why did Jumman’s aunt threaten to call the panchayat?

Ans: Jumman had promised to look after his aunt and coaxed her into transferring her

property in his name. However, after she did so, Jumman and his wife treated her very

badly. He even refused to give her a monthly allowance for her maintenance. Therefore,Jumman’s aunt threatened to call the panchayat

1.“Is your friendship is more valuable than your honesty?” What did Jumman’s aunt mean by this?

Ans: Jumman’s aunt had asked Alagu to come to the panchayat meeting, which she had
decided to call against Jumman. However, Jumman was Alagu’s good friend and Alagu
did not want to risk their friendship. Therefore, Jumman’s aunt asked Alagu this
question, suggesting that honesty was more valuable than friendship and that Alagu
should support what was right.

3.How did Jumman defend his case before the panchayat?

Ans: Jumman defended his case before the panchayat by saying that he had fulfilled his

duty by looking after his aunt and the quarrel between his wife and aunt was a matter
between women, about which he could do nothing. He also argued that his aunt’s
property, which she had transferred to him, did not yield him enough profit, so he could
not give her a monthly allowance for her maintenance.

4.What made Algu’s and Jumman’s wives exchange hot words?

Ans: Alagu and Jumman had turned foes after Alagu had passed a verdict in the panchayat in
favour of Jumman’s aunt and against Jumman. In addition to that, when one of Alagu’s
bullocks died a month after the panchayat meeting, Jumman and his cronies rejoiced at
Alagu’s misfortune. Alagu also suspected Jumman of having poisoned his bullock. This
led to their wives exchanging hot words.

5.How Alagu and Sanjhu different?

Ans:Alagu and Samjhu were very different as was seen in their treatment of the bullock.
In Alagu’s care, the bullock had a wholesome diet, plenty of rest and good grooming.
However, after Samjhu bought it, he put the bullock to extreme hard work. One day,
when the animal died of exhaustion, Samjhu cursed and kicked it instead of feeling bad
for it. Moreover, he blamed the animal for the loss of his money. All this showed
a contrast between Alagu’s kind and caring nature and Samjhu’s cruel and selfish one.

6.Why did Alagu’s heart sink when Jumman was appointed?

Ans: Alagu’s heart sank when Jumman was appointed sarpanch because he felt that Jumman
would use this opportunity to settle scores with him. In the previous panchayat meeting,
as sarpanch, Alagu had passed the verdict in favour of Jumman’s aunt and against him. Now
that Jumman was made the sarpanch, Alagu thought he would pass judgement against
him, in favour of Samjhu Sahu.

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