Points for Discussion
Hello, Dear readers,
Today, I will be discussing all the important points of the Poem’ The True Beauty’ composed by Thomas Carew. I ensure you will get a complete idea to write the summary, central idea and explanation of the poem orderly. You will be able to write the specification and figure of speech used in this poem too. After reading this page you will find the secret to score outstanding marks in the board examination. Let’s get started
Main Headlines
- About the Poet, Thomas Carew
- Short introduction of the Poem, The True Beauty
- Stanza-wise Explanation
- Keywords and phrases
- Summary Of The Poem (English and Hindi)
- Relevant Quotations and statements
- Specification and Structure (Themes and figure of speech etc.)
- Keywords to identify the Reference
About the Poet: Thomas Carew
Thomas Carew was born 1594 in West Wickham, Kent, England and died on March 22, 1639, in London. He was an English poet and first of the supportive songwriter of King Charles. His Education was from the University of Oxford and at the Middle Temple, London, Carew served as the secretary at embassies in Venice, The Hague, and Paris.
About the Poem: The True Beauty
In this poem ‘ The True Beauty’, Thomas emphasizes the importance of true/inner beauty/moral beauty. He advises the people who believe in the physical beauty and charms of his beloved.
Explanation With Reference to the Context
Stanza 1
He that loves a rosy cheek
Or a coral lip admires,
Or from star-like eyes doth seek
Fuel to maintain his fires ;
As old Time makes these decay,
So his flames must waste away.
Reference: These lines have been taken from the poem” the True Beauty” Written By Thomas Carew
Context: Poet, Carew, is highlighting insignificance of the physical charm and attraction or appearance of a person.
Keywords and Quick Points
- Physical Attraction, beauty, charms, appearance
- in poet’s view, these qualities are insignificant and temporary
What thing makes your true personality is your thoughts, rests of your body are just flesh and bones
Shaikh Sadi (Translated)
The poet says that for most people, physical charm such as rosy cheeks, coral lips, and stars like eyes are the basic requirement for the sustenance of their lives. These physical attraction supply fuel to the fires of their love.
However, Physical beauty is temporary. It will die with the passage of time. When it will fade away, the lower will have no source of inspiration. Moreover, love based on physical beauty will also diminish with it. Thus, a man should not be attracted by physical beauty, as appearances change with time.
Stanza 2
But a smooth and steadfast mind,
Gentle thoughts, and calm desires,
Hearts with equal love combined,
Kindle never-dying fires:
Where these are not, I despise
Lovely cheeks or lips or eyes.
Context: In this Stanza Poet is emphasising the real beauty in real sense. He says that the beauty of mind and soul are everlasting whereas the physical charms are temporary.
Keywords and Quick points
- Gentle thought, pure heart, firm decision, balanced emotion, kindness are the beauty of mind and soul
- the above qualities of a person form the real beauty which never dies or decay
I am not handsome but I can give my hand someone who needs help… because beauty is required in the heart, not in the face
APJ Abdul Kalam
The poet says is that true beauty lies in a smooth and firm mind, gentle thoughts, and calm desire. Women with a constant and stable mind with noble thoughts and simple desires will always be a source of inspiration.
These qualities will make her virtuous. The loves generated by virtuous minds and loving hearts are everlasting.A love, based on such virtues, will never fade away.
It will go on inspiring its love with the renewed feeling. The poet, thus, praises the beauty of mind and soul and condemns mere bodily charms.
Summary of “The True Beauty”
Your outer beauty will capture the eyes, your inner beauty will capture the heart.
Through the Poem, “The True Beauty” the poet kindly advises the supporter of physical beauty. He who praises his beloved’s rosy cheeks, starlike eyes and coral (a kind of red precious stone) lips to keep his love alive.
But all these things are mortal and temporary. They will decrease their freshness with the passage of time as his beloved becomes older.
The poet says that the sweetness of mind and soul is a real beauty. A lady who has a constant and firm mind possesses true beauty. Spiritual beauty is usually liked.
Gentle thinking, peaceful desires and heart with equal love combined are essential qualities of true love. Such real love never dies. When these qualities are missing, the poet doesn’t like lovely cheeks, coral lips or star-like eyes. He prefers inner beauty to physical beauty.
Hindi Translation of “The True Beauty”
कवि physically attractive face ki Tareef Karne wale Lover को चेतावनी देता है। वह जो अपने प्यार को barkrar रखने के लिए uske प्यारे रसीले गाल, sitare जैसी आंखें और मूंगा jaise lips (एक प्रकार का लाल कीमती पत्थर) की तारीफ करता है।
लेकिन ये सभी चीजें नश्वर और अस्थायी हैं। समय बीतने के साथ उनकी ताजगी कम होती जाएगी क्योंकि उनकी प्रेमिका बड़ी हो जाएगी। कवि कहते हैं कि मन और आत्मा की मिठास एक वास्तविक सुंदरता है। एक महिला जिसके पास एक स्थिर और दृढ़ दिमाग है, उसके पास सच्ची सुंदरता है। आमतौर पर आध्यात्मिक सुंदरता पसंद की जाती है।
संयुक्त सोच के साथ कोमल सोच, शांतिपूर्ण इच्छाएं और दिल सच्चे प्यार के आवश्यक गुण हैं। ऐसा वास्तविक प्रेम कभी नहीं मरता। जब ये गुण गायब हैं, तो कवि को प्यारे गाल, मूंगा होंठ या स्टार जैसी आँखें पसंद नहीं हैं। वह आंतरिक सुंदरता को शारीरिक सुंदरता के लिए पसंद करते हैं।
Note: Hindi version is a machine translation, not professionally translated. so you are recommended to go through the English Version.
Video: Central idea|Explanation|Summery
Beauty is not in the face, beauty is a light in the heart. Beauty is not about having a pretty face, it is about having a pretty mind, pretty heart and a pretty soul
Central Idea of ” The True Beauty”

In this poem ‘The True Beauty’, the poet praises spiritual beauty – the beauty of mind and soul and rejects the physical beauty without virtues. The physical beauty – rosy cheeks, coral lips, star-like eyes decrease as time passes. As a result of the lover feelings for his beloved cool down. On the other hand, love based on gentleness and purity of mind is everlasting. It goes on inspiring the lover with greater eagerness and power.
Specification: The true Beauty
- Theme: criticism of physical beauty and moral beauty
- The figures of speech; simile and personification
- A lesson for the young generation (Especial)
Keywords to give the Reference for “The True Beauty”
- Coral Lips
- Starlike eyes
- Kindle fire
- steadfast mind
- Hearts with equal love combined