The character of Happy Life|Central idea|Explanation|Sumaary

The points for discussion

Hello, Dear readers,

Today, I will be discussing all the important points of “the Character of happy Life” written by Sir Henry Wotton. I ensure you will get a complete idea to write the summary, central idea and explanation of the poem orderly.

You will be able to write the specification and figure of speech used in this poem too. After reading this page you will find the secret to score outstanding marks in the board examination. Let’s get started

Content: The Character of Happy Life

  • About the poet
  • About the poem: Short introduction
  • Text of the Poem
  • Summary Of The Poem (Hindi and English)
  • Central Idea Of the Poem
  • Quotation
  • Specification of the Poem
  • Keywords to identify the poem
  • bonus learning

About the Poet: Sir Henry Wotton

Sir Henry Wotton was born 30 March 1568, England, United Kingdom. He was an English author, diplomat and politician. He got education from  Winchester College, University of Oxford, New College etc. His famous quote is –

Tell the truth so as to puzzle and confound your adversaries

About the poem: The Character of Happy Life

This poem illustrates the qualities of a true and happy person. he beautifully expresses the attributes of a great person. These attributes are; truthfulness, honesty, fearlessness, freedom, strong believer, straightforward and hardheartedness etc.

Explanation with Reference to the Context

Stanza – 1

How happy is he born and taught
That serveth not another’s will;
Whose armour is his honest thought,
And simple truth his utmost skill!

Reference: These lines have been taken from the poem ‘Character of Happy life” composed by Sir Henry Wotton!

Context: In the given lines, the poet points out the essential qualities of a Happy Man.


The poet says that a happy man is the one who is independent in his thinking and action. He is not a slave of other man. He does not act as other wants him to. He is honest in his conduct and deal with someone ever.

Honesty is the only weapon with which a happy man protect himself. He is truthful and lives a happy and honorable life.Truthfulness is his greatest quality for which he is honoured. Due to such qualities he leads a happy life free from any kinds of negativity.

Keywords and Quick Points

  • A happy person follows the voice his own conscience not other’s will
  • honesty is his best safeguard and shield
  • simple truth is his the best tool to win the human heart

Being honest may not give a lot of friends, but it will always get you the right ones

John Lennon

Stanza- 2

Whose passions not his masters are;
Whose soul is still prepared for death,
Untied unto the world by care
Of public fame or private breath;

Context: In the given lines, the poet points out the essential qualities of a happy man according to the poet a happy man is one who possesses self-control.


the poet says that the man who is not affected by his passion is a happy man. He is not moved by a strong desire such as anger and hatred and love. He has a balanced temper. His sound is not filled by death.

A truly happy man does not aspire for the love of a prince nor does he care for the criticism of the common man. In other words, he does not care for the worldly pleasures of our sorrows. Nothing affects his goal of life. Such qualities help him lead a happy life forever.

Keywords and Quick Points

  • control his feeling and evil desires
  • live with balanced emotions
  • do not care the kingly love and criticism of common people

The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become.


Who envies none that chance doth raise,
Nor vice; who never understood
How deepest wounds are given by praise;
Nor rules of state, but rules of good;

Context: The poet in these given lines, describes that a happy man is never envious of other people. He is straight forward and confident. 


 The poet says that a happy man is never jealous of those who have risen to eminence by sheer chance and not by their merit or hard work.

Nor does he envy those who achieve success by adopting unfair or wicked means. A happy man is free from bad habits. The world is full of deceitful people, who praise in our face and stab us in the back.

He knows that false praise always brings deep wounds that are very difficult to heal. Moreover, he does not carry for the so-called rules formed by the autocratic government which are not in the interest of the people. A happy man observes the rules that are based on goodness and righteousness and promote the well-being of mankind.

Keywords and Quick Points

  • A happy Person doesn’t have any kind of evil intention and feeling.
  • He is super sensitive to refrain himself from flatterer.
  • He follows the rules of good deeds not the rule of oppressive govt.

Fearlessness is the virtue of spiritual man, cowards can not be spiritual at all.



Who hath his life from rumours freed;
Whose conscience is his strong retreat;
Whose state can neither flatterers feed,
Nor ruin make oppressors great;

Context: In the given lines, the poet, points out that a man who does not pay attention to rumours and always follows what his soul says with always be happy.


The poet says that a happy man is free from rumours. Neither he believes in them nor is he influenced by them. He always listen to the voice of his conscience and is guided by it.

He possesses a well-balanced mind that is free from worldly anxieties and worries. He is very careful about flatters. He is not influenced by false praise and flattery does not feel him with pride.

Even cruel and unjust people cannot cause him any harm because he does not believe in them. Such a man is, does, always a happy man.

Keywords and quick Points

  • A happy man does not believe in any false messages unless he verifies them
  • Lisner of his own inner voice

A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses. It is an idea that possesses the mind

Robert Bolton


Who God doth late and early pray
More of His grace than gifts to lend;
And entertains the harmless day
With a religious book or friend;

Context: The poet in this given lines describes a happy man as a true devotee of God. He passes his free time with a good book or friend.


 The poet says that in order to lead a happy life, a man should pray to God everyday in the morning as well as in the evening.

He should do so not to seek worldly things about to obtain God’s blessings and mercy. He should not harm anybody, at any time in the whole day.

Instead, he should indulge in entertaining himself for bypassing his time in reading good books or in the company of good friend such a man can lead a happy life.

Keywords and Quick Points

  • A true worshiper of God.
  • he is free from greeds and wishes to get the blessings of his God
  • he invests his time in reading divine books and with good friends

One best book is equal to hundreds good friends but one good friend is equal to a library.

A P J Abdul Kalam


This man is freed from servile bands
Of hope to rise or fear to fall:
Lord of himself, though not of lands,
And having nothing, yet hath all

Context: In this given lines the poet describe that a happy man does not wish the success and is not afraid of any failure.


In this stanza, the poet says that in order to lead a happy life, a man should be free from the chance of slavery. He should be independent in his thought and action.

A happy man is free from all kinds of hopes and fears. He does not feel overjoyed by his achievement, nor does he get disheartened by failure.

He will possess self-control, though, he does not have any property in his position. He may not be the master of wealth or land, but he is always self-contented. Though he may be poor, he has self-respect and freedom.

Keywords and Quick Points

  • A happy man is free from all kind of slavery
  • Independent in all sorts of thinking and actions
  • fearless from expectations and falls

Knowledge makes a man unfit to be A Slave

Frederick Douglass

Summary of the Poem: The Character of Happy

In this poem, ‘The Character of Happy’ poet describes the qualities of a truly happy person. The very core qualities of such a person are fearlessness and free-thinking.

He always speaks the truth and follows the path of honesty. He is the master of his passion and soul. His passions/desires are completely under his control and he’s never scared of death. He has no cares and doesn’t worry about what people say about him privately.

He always acts consistent with the decision of his conscience.A happy man isn’t jealous of anybody, rather he follows the principles of honesty and thankfulness. He always prefers to be genuine and hates flattery.

A man with good attributes does not invest his time in the company of a negative person while he loves to spend his time with good friends and a book of great ideas.

He neither wishes to urge a high office nor has his fear of his downfall. He leads a really simple and carefree life. Though he has no worldly wealth, yet he has all the good qualities and virtues of a gentleman.

Hindi Translation: The Character of Happy

इस कविता में कवि एक sukhi जीवन के गुणों का वर्णन करता है। (that person) आदमी मूल रूप से खुश है जो freely सोचता है और स्वतंत्र रूप से और निडर होकर कार्य करता है।

वह हमेशा सच बोलता है और ईमानदारी के रास्ते पर चलता है। वह अपने जुनून और आत्मा के मालिक हैं। उसकी भावनाएँ / इच्छाएँ पूरी तरह से उसके नियंत्रण में हैं और वह कभी भी मृत्यु से नहीं डरता। उसके पास कोई परवाह नहीं है और वह इस बारे में चिंता नहीं करता है कि लोग उसके बारे में निजी तौर पर क्या कहते हैं। वह हमेशा अपने विवेक के निर्णय के अनुरूप कार्य करता है।

एक खुश (happy person) आदमी किसी से ईर्ष्या नहीं करता है। वह हमेशा ईमानदार जीवन के सिद्धांतों का पालन करता है और चापलूसी से नफरत करता है। वह हमेशा मार्गदर्शन के लिए भगवान से प्रार्थना करता है और अपना समय एक ईमानदार person or किताब पढ़ने या एक उत्कृष्ट दोस्त की कंपनी के भीतर बिताता है।

वह न तो उच्च पद का आग्रह करना चाहता है और न ही उसके पतन का भय है। वह वास्तव में सरल और simple/ordinary जीवन जीते हैं। यद्यपि उसके पास कोई सांसारिक धन नहीं है, फिर भी उसके पास एक सज्जन व्यक्ति के सभी अच्छे गुण और character hote हैं।

Note: Hindi version is a machine translation, not professionally translated. so you are recommended to go through the English Version.

Video: Explanation in Hindi
Explanation and central idea in Hindi presented by Shadab Akhter

Central Idea of “The Character of Happy”

Beauty is a radiance that originates from within and comes from inner security and strong characters.

Jane Seymour

In this poem, ‘The Character of Happy’ Henry Wotton highlighted the finest attributes and traits of a person who leads a happy life.

This poem focuses on the person who is free from all evil characters and who leads a life in a balanced way. He has high thinking with simple living.

That man is happy and contented from his life. there’s a great message for all folks during this poem that we should always obey God and that we should be good with others in order that we will be happy and contented with our life.

Figure of Speech

having nothing, yet hath all…(Oxymoron)

Whose armour is his honest thought,

And simple truth his utmost skill!…. (Metaphor)


  • Literary devices are used like metaphor, personification, oxymoron etc.
  • The theme of the poem may be the character of a true man, Traits of great personality
  • Meaning of fearless life has been defined well.

Keywords to give the reference for Character of Happy

  • simple truth his utmost skill!
  • Whose soul is still prepared for death
  • ..Nor rules of state, but rules of good;
  • Who hath his life from rumours freed;
  • And entertains the harmless day
  • With a religious book or friend;
  • And having nothing, yet hath all

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