The duck and Kangaroo

The Duck and the Kangaroo

Class IX CBSE| NCERT Complete Solution| Summary and Central Idea along with Q&A|Quiz

About the Poem

In this poem, a Duck, who found it very boring to always stay in and around the pond, asked a Kangaroo to take him on a tour to the sites like Dee, and the Jelly Bo Lee by making it sit on its back. The Duck initiated the conversation by praising the hopping abilities of the Kangaroo.

On this, the Kangaroo stated that although the Duck’s idea was interesting, it still needed to think about that as it feared that the Duck’s wet and cold feet might cause pain in its body. So, the Duck clarified that it already had arranged the four pairs of socks for its web-like feet, and a cloak to save itself from the cold.

It also mentioned that during the trip it would smoke a cigar per day to keep itself warm. On this note, the Kangaroo agreed, but before moving for the trip, it asked the Duck to sit firmly on its tail. And after this, they took three rounds of the world; and enjoyed each others company.

About The Poem In Hindi

इस कविता में, एक बतख, जिसने इसे तालाब में और उसके आसपास रहने के लिए बहुत उबाऊ पाया, उसे कंगारू से कहा कि वह उसे देई और जेली बो ली जैसी साइटों पर दौरे पर ले जाए। डक ने कंगारू की hopping क्षमताओं की प्रशंसा करके बातचीत शुरू की।

इस पर, कंगारू ने कहा कि हालांकि डक का विचार दिलचस्प था, फिर भी इसके बारे में सोचने की ज़रूरत थी क्योंकि उसे डर था कि डक के गीले और ठंडे पैरों से उसके शरीर में दर्द हो सकता है। तो, बतख ने स्पष्ट किया कि उसने पहले से ही अपने वेब जैसे पैरों के लिए मोज़े के चार जोड़े और ठंड से खुद को बचाने के लिए एक लबादे की व्यवस्था की थी।

यह भी उल्लेख किया है कि यात्रा के दौरान यह खुद को गर्म रखने के लिए प्रति दिन एक सिगार धूम्रपान करेगा। इस नोट पर, कंगारू सहमत थे, लेकिन यात्रा के लिए जाने से पहले, इसने बतख को अपनी पूंछ पर मजबूती से बैठने के लिए कहा। और इसके बाद, उन्होंने दुनिया के तीन चक्कर लिए; और एक दूसरे की कंपनी का आनंद लिया।

About the Poet

Edward Lear was born on 12 May 1812, Holloway, United Kingdom. He was an English artist, illustrator, musician, author and poet. His notable works include The Book of Nonsense, The Owl and the Pussycat. He died on 29 January
1888, Sanremo, Italy.

Stanza-wise Explanation with specification and figure of Speech

Stanza 1
Said the Duck to the Kangaroo,
“Good gracious! How you hop!
Over the fields and the water too,

As if you never would stop!
My life is a bore in this nasty pond,
And I long to go out in the world beyond!
I wish I could hop like you!”
Said the Duck to the Kangaroo.

In these lines, the Duck expresses its astonishment at the hopping abilities of the Kangaroo. Then it compares its life with that of Kangaroo by saying that it is so brilliant in hopping that when it hops, it feels like it would never stop, while its own life in the pond is quite boring. Thereafter it expresses it’s wish to hop like the Kangaroo.

Literary devices
1)Rhyme scheme
a) Good gracious- ‘g’
b) How you hop – ‘h’

Difficult Word
Nasty: dirty

Stanza II
“Please give me a ride on your back!”

Said the Duck to the Kangaroo.
“I would sit quite still, and say nothing but ‘Quack’,
The whole of the long day through!
And we’d go to the Dee, and the Jelly Bo Lee,
Over the land, and over the sea;
Please take me a ride! O do!”
Said the Duck to the Kangaroo.

In these lines, the Duck asks the Kangaroo to let it ride on its back. So to persuade the Kangaroo, it promises that it would sit quietly all day and would just quack. Thereafter the Duck expresses its desire to visit the sites like Dee and Jelly Bo Lee; and wishes to hop over the land and sea.

Literary devices
1)Rhyme scheme
2) Alliteration
(a) Sit quite still, and say – ‘s’

Difficult Words
Quack: a sound that Ducks make

Stanza III
Said the Kangaroo to the Duck,
“This requires some little reflection;
Perhaps on the whole it might bring me luck,
And there seems but one objection,
Which is, if you’ll let me speak so bold,
Your feet are unpleasantly wet and cold,
And would probably give me the roo-
Matiz!” said the Kangaroo.

In these lines, the Kangaroo replies to the Duck’s request. It says that it needs to think about the Duck’s plan as although the idea was interesting, but it involved the risk of a disease called Roo-matiz for the Kangaroo. Actually the Kangaroo feared that the wet and cold feet of the Duck would cast it into a great trouble.

Literary Devices
1) Rhyme Scheme

Difficult Words
Reflection: careful thought
Roo-matiz: the disease of rheumatism

Stanza IV
Said the Duck, “As I sat on the rocks,
I have thought over that completely,
And I bought four pairs of worsted socks
Which fit my web-feet neatly.
And to keep out the cold I’ve bought a cloak,
And every day a cigar I’ll smoke,
All to follow my own dear true
Love of a Kangaroo!


In these lines, the Duck presents the solution to the Kangaroo’s problem by saying that it had already found the solution for that problem. It further elaborates by saying that it have arranged the four pairs of worsted socks, which could easily fit into his web-like feet. It also says that along with those four pairs of socks, it have bought a cloak to save itself from the cold weather. It says that in order to safeguard the Kangaroo, it will smoke a cigar per day. It says that it will take all the precautionary measures because the Kangaroo was a beloved of the Duck

Literary Devices

1)Rhyme Scheme   : ababccdd


a)And to keep out the cold I’ve bought a cloak, 

And every day a cigar I’ll smoke,

Difficult Words

Cloak: shrug

Stanza V

Said the Kangaroo, “I’m ready!

All in the moonlight pale;

But to balance me well, dear Duck, sit steady!

And quite at the end of my tail!”

So away they went with a hop and a bound,

And they hopped the whole world three times round;

And who so happy — O who,

As the Duck and the Kangaroo?


In these lines, the Kangaroo agrees to the Duck’s solutions, and gets ready for the trip. Their journey starts in the moonlight. But before starting the journey, the Kangaroo asks the Duck to sit at the end of its tail. And after this, they happily took three rounds of the world. 

Literary Devices

1) Scheme    


2) Alliteration

(a)But to balance- ‘b’ 

(b) dear duck – ‘d’ 

(c) whole world – ‘w’


(a)And they hopped the whole world three times round; 

And who so happy — O who

Question and Answer

1)What does the expression “Good gracious!” convey?

Answer: It expresses the exclamation of surprise.

2)Why the Duck’s life boring?

Answer: The Duck’s life is boring because it always had to live in and around the pond.

3)Where does the Kangaroo hops?

Answer: The Kangaroo hops over the fields and the water.

4)What does the Duck request to the Kangaroo?

Answer: The Duck requested the Kangaroo to give it a ride on its back to the places like—Dee and Jelly Bo-lee.

5)Name the two places the Duck wanted to visit?

Answer: The two place where the Duck wanted to visit were Dee and Jelly Bo-lee.

6)Where did the Duck think about the matter told by kangaroo?

Answer: While sitting on the rock, the Duck thought about the matter told by the Kangaroo.

Central Idea

The central idea of the poem revolves around the Duck’s desire to go on a trip, away from its pond.

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 “ It takes a long time to make a painter – even with a good artist’s education – but without one it tries the patience of Job; it is a great thing if one does not go backward.”……Edward Lear

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