Function|Structure|Example|Passage|Story|Exercise|Practise set
Hi there,
Today, I have brought a very essential part of English grammar i.e Tense (simple Past). I ensure you after reading this post you will be able to comprehend any story or text written in the past indefinite tense.
In this post, I have mentioned examples, illustrations, structures, Q&A comprehension, and some daily used expressions which are essential to know for beginners.
The simple past tense is used to denote past actions when the time of action is given.
Use of simple past tense-
1.When the speaker wants to find out the time of action.
Example:-When did the shop open?
दुकान कब खुली ?
2.To denote the time of the action that is not explicitly mentioned. Example:-Mohan went to Delhi last year.
मोहन पिछली साल देहली गया ?
3.To denote something that existed over a period of time in the past.
Example:-My brother participated in a cycle race.
मेरे भाई ने साइकल रेस मे हिस्सा लिया ।
4.To denote habitual actions in the Past.
Example:-He went to his old friend every Sunday.
वह अपने पुराने दोस्त के वहाँ हर Sunday जाता था
Repeated or habitual actions in the past can also be expressed by “Used to” Infinitive.
Example:- We used to go to the library in leisure time
Sentence Structure
Affirmative Sentence
Subject+Verb(2nd form of verb)+Object+Place+Time.
Example:-He went to school today in the morning
Note -In an affirmative sentence, we use the second form of the verb and there is no helping verb.
Negative Sentence
Subject+ did+ not+Verb(1st form of verb)+Object+Place+Time.
Example:-He did not go to school yesterday.
Note:-In negative we use first form of verb and ‘did’ is used as helping verb
Simple interrogative or Yes/No type Interrogative
Did+Subject+Not+Verb(1st form of verb)+Object+Place+Time.
Example:-Did he not go to school?
Main Interrogative sentence.
Question word+Did+Subject+Not+Verb(1st form of verb)+Object+Place+Time.
Example:-Why did he not go to school?
In place of question word Who we use the second form of the verb and we don’t use the helping verb did.
Example:-Who went to school?
A story in Past Indefinite Tense

One evening, Rohan and his wife Diya went to the theater. They attended a play. The play started at 6:00. Rohan and Diya enjoyed the theater very much.
After the play, Rohan and Diya walked together in the park. They walked beside the lake. The moon was bright. They talked about their future.
When Rohan and Diya went home, their children were not asleep. They waited for their parents to return. They were excited to hear about the theater!
Rohan told the children about the play. Then, Diya put the children to bed. Rohan and Diya were very tired. It was a good night.
Question formation
Q.1:- Who went to theater?
Q.2:- With whom did Diya went to theater?
Q.3:- What did Rohan and Diya do after reaching theater?
Q.4:-When did the play start?
Q.5:-Did Rohan and Diya enjoyed the play?
Q.6:-Where did they go after the play?
Q.7:-What did they talk about?
Q.8:-When Rohan and Diya reach home what did they find?
Q.9:-Why did the children not sleep?
Q.10:-After reaching home what did they do?
Passages 1: Frame Questions on the basis of the given passage
Last month, Ali baked a cake for Zoya’s birthday party. Zoya wanted a strawberry cake with pink frosting. Ali was happy to bake the cake.
First, Ali mixed the ingredients in a big bowl. Next, he poured the cake batter into four round baking pans. He put the pans in the oven. Finally, he baked the cakes in 20 minutes.
Then, Ali prepared the pink frosting. After the cakes cooled, Ali stacked them and covered them with frosting. Ali wrote Zoya’s name on top with white frosting.He put seven candles in the cake.
On Sunday, Ali surprised Zoya with the strawberry cake. Zoya loved her cake! She had many gifts for her birthday. But she said his cake was the best gift of them all!
Passages 2: Frame Questions on the basis of the given passage
Last night, Harshad was at a restaurant with Riya, Mahesh, and Kartik. After dinner, Harshad announced his engagement to Riya. Harshad stood next to Riya. He raised his glass. He announced the engagement to his friends. He looked very happy!
Riya was also at the restaurant. She sat at the table next to Harshad. She smiled when he announced the engagement. She showed her friends her ring. It was very beautiful. Riya also looked very happy!
Mahesh and Kartik also sat at the table. They were excited for their friends. Mahesh congratulated Harshad and Riya. He shook Harshad’s hand. Kartik looked at Riya’s ring. He congratulated Riya for such a nice ring. He was happy for Harshad and Riya.
Translate the following Sentences Into English
- मैं कल कानपुर गया था।
- हम आज आगरा से आये थे।
- तुमने कल क्रिकेट मैच खेला था।
- उन्होंने तुम्हारी सहायता की थी।
- माताजी ने गंगा जी में स्नान किया था।
- पिताजी आज दफ्तर नहीं गये थे।
- इन लड़कों ने अपना कार्य नहीं किया था।
- उन लड़कों ने पुस्तकालय में शोर नहीं मचाया था।
- आज जोर से बारिश नहीं हुई थी।
- राम के भाई ने मेरी पुस्तक नहीं चुराई थी।
- क्या यह लड़का यहाँ सोया था?
- क्या तुम्हारे भाई कल मथुरा गये थे?
- क्या उन्होंने तुम्हें नहीं पीटा था?
- क्या कल इस लड़की ने अपना पाठ याद नहीं किया था?
- क्या तुमने कभी कोई वस्तु नहीं चुरायी?
- तुम आज कहाँ गये थे?
- इस लड़के ने अपना पाठ क्यों नहीं याद किया?
- वह यहाँ कब आया था?
- राम ने आज क्या खाया था?
- वह इस साल किस प्रकार पास हुआ?
Content Writer– Mohammad Anas.….. Edited by– Shadab Akhtar.