past perfect cont

Past Perfect Continuous[Progressive] Tense

Use|functions|Story comprehension|Reading passage|Translation|Exercise


The past perfect continuous tense is used to denote the time and duration a continuous action that had continued up to that moment, that was still in progress or had just finished. 


She had been reading for an hour when her mother called her,

Use Of Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

  • We use the past perfect continuous tense to show the conclusion of an action based on evidence.


The students looked blank. They had not been listening.

His eyes were red. He had been crying.

Affirmative Sentence

Subject+had+Been+Verb(first form)+ing+Object+Since/For+Time.


  1. They had been reading English for two hours.
  2. I had been reading this novel  since Monday.
  • How to use Since and For?

We use Since and For to mention the time.

SINCE is used when time mentioned in the sentence is Certain..{see example NO.2}

FOR is used when time mentioned in the sentence is not Certain..{see example NO.1}

CertainTime=>3o’clock,10AM,Sunday,June,2019,Yesterday,Tomorrow,Morning,Birth etc.

Uncertain Time=> Two hours,Four months,Five years, etc.

Negative Sentence

Subject+Had+Not+Been+Verb(first form)+ing+Object+Since/For+Time.


  1. He had not been solving the question for two hours.
  2. I had not been reading this novel since Monday.

Interrogative  Sentence.

Had+Subject+Not+Been+Verb(first form)+ing+Object+Since/For+Time.


  1. Had he not been solving the question for two hours?
  2. Had I been reading this novel  since Monday?

Main Interrogative  Sentence

Question Word+Had+Subject+Not+Been+Verb(first form)+ing+Object+Since/For+Time.


  1. Why had he not been solving the question for two hours?
  2. Where had I been reading this novel  since Monday?

Story Comprehension

Mohan and Meera had been driving to the temple before they stopped. They had been driving down a dirt road when they heard a strange noise. Mohan stopped the car. He got out of the car. Then, he helped Meera out of the car. Meera sat and waited for Mohan.

Mohan looked at the car. It had been going for an hour or so. He knew how to fix cars. He had been working as a mechanic in a garage for 5 years before he moved to the country. Mohan got his tools. He looked under the hood. It seemed that the engine had been heating up. He crawled under the car.

Mohan had been working on the car for a while when Varun parked beside him. Varun had been driving home when he saw Mohan and Meera on the side of the road. Varun helped Mohan to fix the car. Mohan thanked Varun for his help. Meera waved to Varun as they drove away. Thanks to Varun’s help, they arrived at the temple on time.

Answers the following Questions

  1. Who had been driving to the temple?
  2. Why did Mohan stop the car?
  3. Where has Mohan been working for 5 years before he moved to the country?
  4. What seemed to Mohan?
  5. When and who parked beside Mohan?
  6. Where had Varun been driving when he saw Mohan and Meera?
  7. Who helped Mohan?
  8. Did they arrive at the temple on time?

Read the following Passage Carefully and frame question and answers

Aryan and the other scouts had been hiking on the mountain all morning when they realized they were lost. They looked each direction. They did not see the camp. They did not see the river.

The scouts were tired because they had been hiking for four hours. They were worried because they were lost. They sat down under a tree.

But Aryan was not worried. Aryan had been hiking these mountains with his dad his whole life. Aryan’s dad had been teaching him how to use a compass for three years. Aryan climbed a tree and saw the river. He knew the camp was north of the river. Aryan looked at his compass. He guided the scouts back to the camp.

Read the following story and frame question& answers

Kaveeta slept because she had been feeling very sick. In fact, Kaveeta had not been feeling well for three days. Her mother knew something was strange because Kaveeta had not been acting normal. She had not been finishing her meals for the past two days. She had not even been playing with her friends.

The doctor visited Kaveeta. He had been visiting many children since the sickness arrived. He examined Kaveeta. He gave Kaveeta medicine. He talked to Kaveeta’s mother.

Kaveeta’s mother had been praying for a week when Kaveeta woke up. Kaveeta looked much better. She did not feel sick anymore. Everyone was happy that Kaveeta was better!

Translate the following sentences into Hindi/Urdu

  1. Rohan had been doing this work for two hours.
  2. She had been weeping for 15 minutes. 
  3. He had been working in this bank since August.
  4. We had been learning our lessons since two o’clock. 
  5. The washerman had been washing the dirty clothes since five O’clock in the morning. 
  6. He had not been reading the newspaper since 7 o’clock. 
  7. Mr. Sharma had not been teaching us grammar for six months.
  8. I had not been suffering from fever since Monday.
  9. We had not been bathing in the river for 50 minutes.
  10. The children had not been reading history since the evening. 
  11. Had you been doing your work since two o’clock? 
  12. Had the boy been going to school for ten minutes? 
  13. Had we not been solving this problem since morning? 
  14. Have the girls not been eating poem for four hours? 
  15. Had I been living in this room since 2018? 
  16. Why had you not been bathing in the river since morning? 
  17. Where had he been living since 2015
  18. Who had been helping him since Friday? 
  19. Which book had the boys searching in the library for a half-hour? 
  20. How much children had been suffering from fever since Monday? 

Translate the following sentences into English

  1. हम दो घण्टे से अपने पिताजी की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे थे।
  2. तुम सुबह से पुस्तक पढ़ रहे थे।
  3. यह किसान पिछले शुक्रवार से अपना खेत जोत रहा था। 
  4. वह जनवरी से कठिन परिश्रम कर रहा था। 
  5. पुलिस चोरों को आठ दिन से खोज रही थी।
  6. तुम इस विद्यालय में दो वर्ष से नहीं पढ़ रहे थे। 
  7. मैं चार बजे से अपना पाठ याद नहीं कर रहा था। 
  8. डाक्टर साहब इस रोगी को एक सप्ताह से दवाई नहीं दे रहे थे।
  9. मुकेश 1992 से अलीगढ़ नहीं रह रहा था।
  10. कमला पाँच दिन से व्याकरण नहीं पढ़ रही थी।
  11. क्या तुम इस विद्यालय में 1993 से पढ़ रहे थे?
  12. क्या ये लड़कियाँ एक सप्ताह से हॉकी नहीं खेल रही थीं? 
  13. क्या तुम्हारा मित्र दो बजे से समाचार-पत्र पढ़ रहा था? 
  14. क्या शिकारी दो घण्टे से हिरन का पीछा कर रहा था? 
  15. क्या पिताजी दो दिन से रामायण नहीं पढ़ रहे थे?
  16. वे दो दिन से कहाँ जा रहे थे? 
  17. मोहन इस शहर में 1993 से क्यों नहीं रह रहा था?
  18. किशन का भाई कितने घण्टों से स्टेशन पर तुम्हारी प्रतीक्षा कर रहा था? 
  19. अकबर तीन दिन से किसकी सहायता कर रहा था? 
  20. मुकेश एक सप्ताह से कहाँ सो रहा था।?

Content WriterMohammad Anas.….. Edited by– Shadab Akhtar.

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