IELTS Question: Personal Life and Routine

Instructions for Conducting the Activity: Divide students into pairs: Each student should have a learning partner for this activity. Distribute questions: Hand out or display a list of questions that will be used during the activity. Explain the process: One student from each pair will start by reading the first question aloud. Their partner will […]

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Speaking Activity Grade 7-12 : Decoding Deep Meaning Pictures

Decoding Deep Meaning Pictures Activity Name: Decode the Message Objective:Enhance students’ speaking, critical thinking, and interpretation skills by analyzing and explaining deep-meaning pictures, similar to the one provided. Instructions for the Group Activity 1. Divide the Class into Groups: Form groups of 3-4 students each. Each group will work together to decode the meaning behind

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60 Most Common Proverb In English and Hindi

Activity Instructions to Improve Speaking Skills Using Proverbs Activity Name: Proverb Exchange and Explanation Objective:Enhance students’ speaking, listening, and critical thinking skills by discussing, explaining, and interpreting popular proverbs. Part 1: Group Activity (Proverb Discussions) 1. Divide the Class into Small Groups: Create groups of 3-4 students. Each group will work together for the discussion.

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