Reading Test Grade 3-5 Online Set 9

Malala Yousafzai: The Girl Who Stood for Education

1. Pre-Reading Questions (Activate Prior Knowledge)

These questions help learners think about the themes of the story before reading.

  • Have you ever heard of Malala Yousafzai?
  • Why is education important, especially for girls?
  • What do you know about the Nobel Peace Prize?
  • Can you think of a time when someone stood up for what they believed in?

Malala Yousafzai was born in 1997 in Pakistan. She grew up in a region where girls were not allowed to go to school because of the Taliban, a group of people who tried to stop girls from getting an education. However, Malala believed that education was important for everyone, especially girls.

At just 11 years old, Malala began speaking out for girls’ right to education. This made the Taliban angry, and they tried to stop her by attacking her. Malala survived and continued to fight for education around the world.

In 2014, she became the youngest person to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Malala’s bravery has inspired millions of people, and she continues to speak for the rights of all children to get an education.

Moral: Stand up for what you believe in, even when it’s dangerous. Education is a right for everyone.

2. True or False (Post-Reading Comprehension Check)

These questions test students’ understanding of key details in the story.

  1. Malala Yousafzai was born in 1987 in Pakistan.
  2. The Taliban tried to stop girls from going to school in Malala’s region.
  3. Malala began speaking for girls’ education when she was 20 years old.
  4. Malala won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014.
  5. Malala gave up her fight for education after being attacked.
3. Short Answer
  1. Where was Malala born?
  2. Why did the Taliban try to stop girls from going to school?
  3. At what age did Malala start speaking out for girls’ education?
  4. What did Malala win in 2014?
  5. How has Malala inspired people around the world?
4. Fill in the Blanks 

These questions help students recall important information from the text.

  1. Malala Yousafzai was born in ________ 
  2. The Taliban tried to stop girls from getting an ________ .
  3. Malala began speaking out for girls’ rights when she was ________ years old .
  4. In 2014, Malala won the ________ Peace Prize .
  5. Malala believes that education is important for ________.
5. What, Where, How, Why Type Questions (Inference-Based)

These questions encourage deeper thinking and require students to infer meaning from the text.

  1. What made Malala start speaking out for education?
  2. Where did Malala grow up, and what challenges did she face in her region?
  3. How did the Taliban react when Malala spoke for girls’ rights?
  4. Why is Malala’s story important for people around the world?
  5. What lesson can we learn from Malala’s bravery and her fight for education?

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