describing character

50+Describing words for Character and Personality In English

Smart vocabulary to describe any person’s character (Positive and Negative Words and Phrases)

Hi there,

I have brought here a good collection of smart vocabulary which helps you to describe any person in a smart way. We generally use cliche (eg. talented, talkative, friendly and rude, etc.) while talking about someone’s behavior or character. It doesn’t make a good impression on listeners, does it?

I ensure you will forget to use these simple words in your talk and preferably you’ll add the following smart vocab to make your talk praiseworthy. This smart vocabulary collection has been categorized on the basis of nature, attitude, learning, manner, temper, behavior traits, etc.

Positive words that describe how willing you are to communicate with others

  1. Extroverted–  Someone who is extroverted is very activelively, and friendly.
  2. Talkative – Someone who is talkative talks a lot.
  3. Confident- If you are confident about something, you are certain that it will happen in the way you want it to.
  4. sociable – Sociable people are friendly and enjoy talking to other people.
  5. Amiable– Someone who is amiable is friendly and pleasant to be with.
  6. Friendly – If someone is friendly, they behave in a pleasantkind way, and like to be with other people.
  7. Gregarious– Someone who is gregarious enjoys being with other people

Negative words that describe how willing you are to communicate with others are

  1. Introverted Introverted people are quiet and shy and find it difficult to talk to other people.
  2. Reserved– Someone who is reserved keeps their feelings hidden.
  3. Unsure – If you are unsure of yourself, you lack confidence.
  4. self-centered– Someone who is self-centered is only concerned with their own wants and needs and never thinks about other people.
  5. taciturn– A taciturn person does not say very much and can seem unfriendly.
  6. Unfriendly
  7. Shy
  8. Hesitant– If you are hesitant about doing something, you do not do it quickly or immediately, usually because you are uncertainembarrassed, or worried.

Positive words describing how you make others feel

  1. Warm-  A warm person is friendly and shows a lot of affection or enthusiasm in their behaviour
  2. Sweet-
  3. Pleasant
  4. cheerful– Someone who is cheerful is happy and shows this in their behaviour.
  5. Caring
  6. If someone is caring, they are affectionatehelpful, and sympathetic
  7. Elegant – If you describe a person or thing as elegant, you mean that they are pleasing and graceful in appearance or style.
  8. Exuberant– If you are exuberant, you are full of energyexcitement, and cheerfulness.
  9. Charismatic– A charismatic person attracts, influences, and inspires people by their personal qualities

Negative words describing how you make others feel

  1. Cold/cold-hearted– A cold-hearted person does not feel any affection or sympathy towards other people.
  2. Rude– When people are rude, they act in an impolite way towards other people or say impolite things about them.
  3. Unpleasant
  4. careless
  5. Tense– If you are tense, you are anxious and nervous and cannot relax.

Positive words describing how you treat the feelings of others

  1. Considerate- Someone who is considerate pays attention to the needswishes, or feelings of other people.
  2. Thoughtful- If you are thoughtful, you are quiet and serious because you are thinking about something.
  3. Noble – If you say that someone is a noble person, you admire and respect them because they are unselfish and morally good.
  4. Humble– A humble person is not proud and does not believe that they are better than other people.
  5. Modest- If you say that someone is modest, you approve of them because they do not talk much about their abilities or achievements.
  6. Sincere– If you say that someone is sincere, you approve of them because they really mean the things they say. You can also describe someone’s behaviour and beliefs as sincere.
  7. Flexible – someone who is flexible is able to change easily and adapt to different conditions and circumstances as they occur.

Negative words describing how you treat the feelings of others

  1. Insincere
  2. Intolerant – If you describe someone as intolerant, you mean that they do not accept behaviour and opinions that are different from their own.
  3. biased– If someone is biased, they prefer one group of people to another, and behave unfairly as a result. You can also say that a process or system is biased.
  4. Bigoted– Someone who is bigoted has strong, unreasonable prejudices or opinions and will not change them, even when they are proved to be wrong.
  5. Disrespectful– If you are disrespectful, you show no respect in the way that you speak or behave to someone.
  6. Merciless– If you describe someone as merciless, you mean that they are very cruel or determined and do not show any concern for the effect their actions have on other people.
  7. Cunning– Someone who is cunning has the ability to achieve things in a clever way, often by deceiving other people.

How much people can trust you is described by these words (Positive)

  1. Trustworthy-
  2. Reliable-
  3. Loyal-
  4. Faithful
  5. Stalwart
  6. unshakable
  7. Unwavering

How much people can trust you is described by these words (Negative)

  1. Unreliable
  2. Untrustworthy
  3. Disloyal
  4. unfaithful

You can describe to someone how honest they are with the other (Positive)

  1. Sincere-
  2. Frank-
  3. Direct-
  4. Practical
  5. Honest

You can describe to someone how honest they are with the other (Negative)

  1. Dishonest
  2. Disloyal
  3. Untrustworthy
  4. Unreliable
  5. Infidel
  6. Flatterer

The following words describe how open you are to the view and culture of others. (Positive)

  1. Tolerant
  2. Open-minded
  3. Unbiased
  4. Flexible
  5. Modest
  6. Respectful

The following words describe how open you are to the view and culture of others. (Negative)

  1. Intolerant
  2. Biased
  3. Narrow-minded
  4. Conservative
  5. Cheap-minded

How motivated you are (for something, Positive)

  1. Strong-willed 
  2. Determined
  3. Driven
  4. Dynamic
  5. Ambitious
  6. Resolute
  7. Decisive
  8. Diligent
  9. Meticulous
  10. Persistent

How motivated you are (for something, Negative)

  1. weak-willed
  2. Indecisive
  3. Irresolute
  4. Inactive

These words show your attitude towards your work (Positive)

  1. Industrious 
  2. Ambitious
  3. Hardworking
  4. unwavering
  5. Unstable
  6. Persistent
  7. Labourious
  8. High spritted
  9. Exuberant

These words show your attitude towards your work (Negative)

  1. Idle
  2. lazy
  3. Half-hearted
  4. Apathetic
  5. Unambitious
  6. Unmotivated
  7. Bone-idle
  8. Work-shy

How good you are at learning and understanding is described by these words. (Positive)

  1. Bright
  2. Clever
  3. Intelligent
  4. Gifted
  5. Efficient
  6. Genius

How good you are at learning and understanding is described by these words. (Negative)

  1. Dull
  2. Slow learner

You can describe with these words how you treat money (Positive)

  1. Generous
  2. Giving
  3. Extravagant

You can describe with these words how you treat money (Negative)

  1. Stingy
  2. Miserly
  3. Frugal
  4. Economic

How your attitude is around other people is described by these words (Positive)

  1. Humble
  2. Modest
  3. Submissive
  4. Kind

How your attitude is around other people is described by these words (Negative)

  1. Bossy
  2. Arrogant
  3. Disrespectful
  4. Rude
  5. Unkind

The words that described how relaxed you are (Positive)

  1. Chilled
  2. Laid-back-  
  3. Optimistic-  
  4. Unflappable
  5. Relaxed
  6. Pacific

The words that described how relaxed you are (Negative)

  1. Impatient
  2. Pessimistic

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