Today, I will be discussing all the important points related to ‘The Gold Watch’ written by Ponjikkara. I ensure you will get a complete idea to write the long and short type answer from this chapter. After reading this page you will find the secret to get a better score in your board examination.
Let’s get started
The overview: The Gold Watch
- Summary of the chapter
- Detail of Main Characters
- Long type Question Answer
- Short type Question-answer
- Tips for writing exam paper
- Key Words and some useful adjective
- Video with proper explanation in HINDI and English
- Theme and Message of the Chapter
Summary: The Gold Watch
Sanku Ponder over his Problems
One night, Sanku was not able to sleep as he was pondering over his debt and financial crisis. He closed his eyes and lay on his torn mat in the dark night.
Sanku’s Real Issues
Sanku was in deep trouble when he start pondering over his debt and meagre salary which was not enough to pay debt taken from different People. He was not able to feed the belly of his children too. He was tensed due to the following problems
1. Sanku had to pay Rs 4.5 for purchase to tea store
2. He had to pay fund which he had borrowed at his mother’s death anniversary
3. Poor Sanku owed over 3 rupees to the tea shop
4. He borrowed 6 rupees from Ali for supplying extra rice.
4. One month rent of his house was 3 rupees which was also remain to pay
5. In addition to all, he took a loan of 12 paise, 50 paise, and 25 paise from different people.
6. Sanku had also taken 3 rupees from his wife which she had saved to buy the waist chain for her younger child.
The total money to pay at that time was 22.5 rupees whereas his monthly salary was just 13 rupees.
The idea of Stealing a Gold Watch
Bell rang at lunchtime, all employees went for lunch at 1 o clock. Sanku stood leaning against a pillar in the corner and thought to steal the engineer’s gold watch kept on the table.
Sanku walked up to the glass window outside the engineer’s office and look to and fro.
After waiting sometimes, he stretched out his and grabbed the gold watch.
Suddenly, he saw someone near about the corridor and thought he might be caught red-handed there. He found Madhvan behind him who was another labor working with him. He Madhvan said with a laugh, Go on my liar! Sanku’face went white with deep fear and thought about the consequences.
Poor sanku thought that everyone would call him a thief. Fearing all these, he decided to keep the watch from where he stole it. Then he walked away breathlessly thinking about his problems and debts
Summary of The Gold Watch in Hindi
शंकू की समस्या
जब वह अपने ऋण और अल्प वेतन पर विचार करना शुरू करता है, जो कि विभिन्न लोगों से लिए गए ऋण का भुगतान करने के लिए पर्याप्त नहीं था, तो सांकू गहरी मुसीबत में था। वह अपने बच्चों का पेट भी नहीं पाल पा रहा था। निम्नलिखित समस्याओं के कारण वह तनावग्रस्त था
- Usse 4.5 rupees tea shopkeeper ko dena tha
- उसे निधि का भुगतान करना था जो उसने अपनी माँ की पुण्यतिथि पर उधार ली थी
- उसने चाय की दुकान पर 3 रुपये dene ka wada kiya tha
- अतिरिक्त चावल की आपूर्ति के लिए usse अली को 6 रुपये dene the
- उनके घर का एक महीने का किराया 3 रुपये था जो भुगतान करने के लिए भी था
- सभी के अलावा उन्होंने विभिन्न लोगों से 12 पैसे, 50 पैसे, और 25 पैसे का ऋण लिया।
- उसने अपनी पत्नी से 3 रुपए भी लिए थे जो उसने अपने छोटे बच्चे के लिए कमर की चेन खरीदने के लिए बचाए थे।
उस समय भुगतान करने के लिए कुल धनराशि 22.5 रुपये थी जबकि उनका मासिक वेतन सिर्फ 13 रुपये था।
इस दयनीय स्थिति से, शंकु ने खुद को असहनीय पाया। उनके पास लोगों के मजाक और फटकार से निपटने के लिए कोई धैर्य नहीं था। इस बीच, उनकी पत्नी ने उन्हें अपने बच्चे को खिलाने के लिए दो केले और दूध लेने का अनुरोध किया। बड़े बच्चे को एक ही समय में गले में खराश था, इसलिए उसने बाजार से एक मरहम खरीदने के लिए कहा।
इसके अलावा, शंकु की पत्नी तीसरे बच्चे से गर्भवती थी और उसने अपने गरीब परिवार की देखभाल न कर पाने के लिए खुद को कोसा।
Note: Hindi version is a machine translation it might be incorrect in its true meaning. So it is better to rely on the English version.
Character Sketch of Sanku (the gold Watch)

Sanku as a Poor Man
Sanku was working at a low paid salary in a factory. He had 2 children and expecting one more child. He was unable to afford the expense of his family. Sometimes, his family went hungry. He was also ridden in debt. He had taken loans from different people to feed his children’s belly.
As a Responsible Person
He may be considered as a faithful husband and affectionate father for his family. His inability and poor condition compelled him to steal the watch though he was not a professional thief.
As an incapable husband and father for his family
Sanku was a poor planner to manage the expenses of his daily needs. He didn’t know how to handle the family with a meagre salary. He was spending money without any plan and good management.
As a coward man
Sanku may be considered a coward man in this regard. Because he had very cheap thought to tackle his family problem. The idea of Stealing a watch reflects that he was not intelligent enough to find out other ways to fix his problem.
Question Answer (important)
Students must be aware of the question pattern. There must be two short type questions from your text book (short story). You will have to answer in not more than 30 words.
Question 1: Why did Sanku steal the watch. Or what are the things which compelled Sanku to steal the gold watch? (2014,15,17,18)
Answer: Sanku calculated the amount which he had taken from different people and salary which he gets at the end of each
month. He came to the conclusion that he couldn’t pay the debt and fulfill the basic needs of his family. So he compelled to steal the watch from the table.
Question 2: What thinks stopped Sanku from stealing the watch in the beginning? (2016, 2017 2019)
Answer: Sanku was afraid of the consequences. He thought if he did so and caught red-handed, he will be fired from his job. There will be no other way of his income. So he stopped himself to steal the watch in the beginning 3, 4 days.
Question 3: Why did Sanku course himself ? (2009, 2011. 2012,20170
Answer: One day, when his wife asked for some bananas, milk, and ointment, he cursed himself because he was not capable to fulfill the basic need of his family. He found himself, incapable person, to take care of his poor family.
Keywords to write the answer
Poor, meagre salary, low paid salary, less income more needs, his wife’s demand, debt and loan, afraid of, committing the theft, curse himself, stealing watch, incapable, affordable, capable, faithful to his family, poor planner, poor thought etc.
Tips for writing Summary of the story
- Sanku’s family.
- Sanku’s problem
- Sanku’s character
- Compulsion to steal the gold watch
Theme of the Gold Watch
- The reality of poor family
- The consequences of illiteracy
- Poverty is the mother of all evils
- Reflections of the poor society.
The Message of the story might be-
Poverty is the worst form of the violence
M. Gandhi
Poverty often deprives a man of all sprite and virtue, it is hard for an empty bag to stand upright……… Benjamin Franklin