Reading Test Grade 3-5 Online Set 8

Helen Keller: Overcoming the Impossible

1. Pre-Reading Questions (Activate Prior Knowledge)

These questions help students think about the topic before reading the story, preparing them for what they will read.

  • Have you heard of Helen Keller? What do you know about her?
  • How do people communicate if they cannot see or hear?
  • What do you think helps people overcome big challenges in life?

Helen Keller was born in 1880 in the United States. When she was only 19 months old, she became sick and lost her hearing and sight. Keller could no longer see or hear, which made communication very difficult. However, when she was seven years old, her teacher, Anne Sullivan, came to help her.

Sullivan used special methods to teach Keller how to communicate using sign language and Braille, a way of reading through touch. With her teacher’s help, Keller learned to speak, read, and write.

Helen Keller later became a famous writer and speaker, inspiring many people with disabilities. She showed the world that anything is possible with determination and support.

Moral: No matter how hard life gets, you can overcome any challenge with patience and perseverance.

2. True or False (Post-Reading Comprehension Check)

These questions assess whether students understood key facts from the text.

  1. Helen Keller lost her hearing and sight when she was a baby.
  2. Keller learned to communicate without any help from others.
  3. Anne Sullivan taught Keller to read and write using Braille. 
  4. Helen Keller gave up because of her disabilities. 
  5. Keller became a famous writer and speaker. 
3.  Short Answer

These focus on Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan, their actions, and relationships.

  1. Who was Helen Keller’s teacher?
  2. What happened to Helen Keller when she was 19 months old?
  3. How did Keller learn to communicate?
  4. Why did Anne Sullivan use special methods to teach Keller?
  5. What did Helen Keller become famous for later in life?
4. Fill in the Blank

These questions encourage students to recall information and use context clues from the story.

  1. Helen Keller was born in ________ (1880).
  2. Keller lost her ________ and ________ when she was a baby. (hearing, sight)
  3. Her teacher, ________, taught her how to communicate using sign language and Braille. (Anne Sullivan)
  4. Keller learned to read and write through a system called ________. (Braille)
  5. Despite her disabilities, Helen Keller became a famous ________ and ________. (writer, speaker)

5. What, Where, How, Why Questions

These questions encourage students to think more critically about the story and its lessons.

  1. What was the biggest challenge Helen Keller faced as a child?
  2. Where was Helen Keller born?
  3. How did Keller overcome her difficulties with communication?
  4. Why do you think Keller became an inspiration for people with disabilities?
  5. What lesson can we learn from Helen Keller’s life?

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