Reading Test Grade 2-5 Online Set 10

A Trip to Mars

1. Pre-reading Questions (Activate Prior Knowledge)
  • Have you ever dreamed of going to space? What do you think Mars looks like?
  • What would you bring with you if you traveled to another planet?
  • What do you think people would discover on Mars?

In the year 2040, Mia won a special lottery: a trip to Mars! She trained for months before boarding the spacecraft. The journey took a week. When Mia arrived, the red planet looked strange and beautiful. She walked on the surface in her space suit, feeling light because of the lower gravity.

Mia and her team explored the planet and even found signs of ancient water. On the last day, while collecting rocks, Mia saw something unusual. A strange creature peeked from behind a rock. It was small, green, and friendly. Mia took pictures, but when she turned around, the creature was gone.

Back on Earth, her story made headlines. Mia became famous for her discovery, but the creature remained a mystery.

2. Post-Reading Comprehension Check- True and False
  • Mia traveled to Mars in the year 2040
  • Mia stayed on Mars for a whole year. 
  • Mia found signs of ancient water on Mars. 
  • The creature Mia saw was large and frightening.
  • Mia became famous for discovering the creature. 
3. Character-Based Questions
  • Who won a special lottery to go to Mars?
  • How long did Mia’s journey to Mars take?
  • What did Mia find on Mars while collecting rocks?
  • How did Mia feel when she saw the strange creature?
  • Where did Mia’s story make headlines?
4. Fill in the Blanks 
  • Mia won a special ________ to visit Mars. 
  • She had to train for ________ before going on the trip. 
  • Mars is known as the ________ planet. 
  • Mia found signs of ancient ________ on the planet. 
  • When Mia turned around, the creature had ________. 

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