CBSE | ICSE| ISC|State Board|U.P Board
India is known for its linguistic, cultural and religious diversity across the world. Different faiths, ideologies and religions practice in their own way.
The democratic nature of the country allows all different community and people, followers of different ideologies, to propagate their Education in their own way.
But the core philosophy, ideas and aims of Education of all institutions and organizations or schools must be to promote the very idea of this democratic nation.
So, every institution has to admit, follow and implement the philosophy of this nation without any biases, discrimination and inequality.
As we know that India is the union of 28 States and 8 territories. It has a concept of federal government. Therefore, every state has its own power to regulate the educational body like schools, university and institutions.
Apart from state universities, schools and educational institutions, the central government has also authority to regulate central universities, schools, and educational institutions in their own way.
So, In this section of our website, the students of CBSE, ISC, ICSE, and UP board will be provided with all study materials free of cost.

What do we provide to our users here?
- All the study materials (in written and audiovisual form ) for literature (prose, poetry, Drama, Short stories) and Grammar, composition according to the Question pattern of Board Exams
- Extra Learning exercises, quizzes, and activities for speaking, reading and writing skills.