Reading Comprehension B1| Set 10

Passage 22: Life of Aquatic Animals

1.Aquatic animals are creatures that live in water environments, either freshwater or saltwater. These animals include a wide range of species, from fish and amphibians to mollusks, crustaceans, and marine mammals like dolphins and whales. The lifestyle of aquatic animals is largely determined by their habitat, which can vary greatly. For example, fish living in coral reefs have access to abundant food and shelter, while deep-sea creatures have adapted to survive in extreme conditions with little light and high pressure.

2. Aquatic animals have evolved various adaptations to thrive in their environments. Fish have gills that allow them to extract oxygen from water, while marine mammals like whales and dolphins have lungs and must surface to breathe. Some aquatic animals, like octopuses, are known for their intelligence and ability to change color for camouflage. Others, such as sharks, are apex predators with keen senses that help them hunt.

3.However, the life of aquatic animals is increasingly threatened by human activities. Pollution, overfishing, and climate change are major concerns. Plastic waste in oceans can entangle marine animals, and rising sea temperatures can destroy coral reefs, which are vital ecosystems. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these species and maintain the health of aquatic ecosystems.

Comprehension Questions
  1. What is one example of a marine mammal mentioned in the passage? a) Shark b) Dolphin c) Jellyfish d) Crab
  2. What adaptation do fish have that allows them to extract oxygen from water? a) Lungs b) Fins c) Gills d) Scales
  3. True/False: Aquatic animals live only in saltwater environments. a) True b) False
  4. The passage mentions that sharks are apex predators. a) True b) False
  5. Fill in the Blank: Aquatic animals like octopuses are known for their intelligence and ability to change ______.
  6. Pollution and ______ are major threats to aquatic animals.
  1. Select the synonym for “adaptations” as used in the passage. a) Improvements b) Changes c) Adjustments d) Failures

8.What is a synonym for “vital” in the context of the passage?
   a) Unnecessary
b) Essential
c) Minor
d) Optional

9.The opposite of “abundant” in the passage is:
a) Scarce
b) Plentiful
c) Rich
d) Limited

10.Select the antonym of “thrive” from the options below.
a) Flourish
b) Prosper
c) Decline
d) Succeed

11.Multiple Answers:
Which of the following are threats to aquatic animals mentioned in the passage? (Select all that apply.)
a) Pollution
b) Abundant food
c) Overfishing
d) Climate change

Passage 23: The Mystery of the Pyramids in Egypt

1.The pyramids of Egypt, particularly the Great Pyramid of Giza, have fascinated historians, archaeologists, and tourists for centuries. Built over 4,500 years ago during the reign of Pharaoh Khufu, the Great Pyramid stands as a testament to ancient engineering and architectural prowess. Despite being one of the most studied structures in the world, many aspects of the pyramids remain shrouded in mystery.

2.One of the greatest mysteries surrounding the pyramids is how they were constructed. The massive limestone and granite blocks, some weighing as much as 80 tons, were transported and assembled with remarkable precision. Scholars have debated whether the Egyptians used ramps, levers, or even more advanced methods that are unknown to modern science. Another enigma is the purpose of the pyramids. While it is widely accepted that they served as tombs for pharaohs, the complex internal structures and alignment with celestial bodies suggest they may have had additional religious or astronomical significance.

3.The pyramids also hold a wealth of hidden chambers and passages, some of which remain unexplored. In recent years, advanced technology such as ground-penetrating radar and 3D scanning has revealed voids within the pyramids that were previously unknown. These findings suggest there may still be undiscovered secrets lying within these ancient monuments, waiting to be uncovered.

4.The mystery of the pyramids continues to captivate the imagination, as each discovery brings new questions rather than definitive answers. Their enduring enigma highlights the brilliance of ancient Egyptian civilization and leaves us wondering what other secrets the sands of Egypt may hold.

Comprehension Questions

  1. During whose reign was the Great Pyramid of Giza built?
    a) Pharaoh Tutankhamun
    b) Pharaoh Khufu
    c) Pharaoh Ramses II
    d) Pharaoh Akhenaten
  2. What is one theory about how the pyramids were constructed?
    a) Use of helicopters
    b) Use of ramps and levers
    c) Alien intervention
    d) Modern machinery
  3. The passage suggests that all aspects of the pyramids have been fully understood.
    a) True
    b) False
  4. The Great Pyramid is believed to have been a tomb for pharaohs.
    a) True
    b) False
  5. Scholars have debated whether the Egyptians used ______, levers, or advanced methods to build the pyramids.
  6. Recent technology has revealed ______ within the pyramids that were previously unknown.
  7. Select the synonym for “fascinated” as used in the passage.
    a) Disinterested
    b) Captivated
    c) Annoyed
    d) Confused

8.What is a synonym for “enigma” in the context of the passage?
a) Puzzle
b) Solution
c) Fact
d) Conclusion

9.The opposite of “advanced” in the passage is:
a) Primitive
b) Modern
c) Complex
d) Developed

10.Select the antonym of “ancient” from the options below.
a) Old
b) Modern
c) Historic
d) Antique

11. Which of the following are mysteries mentioned about the pyramids? (Select all that apply.)
a) How they were constructed
b) The purpose of the pyramids
c) The size of the blocks
d) The presence of hidden chambers

12.The passage indicates that recent discoveries have solved all the mysteries of the pyramids.
a) True
b) False

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