Reading Comprehension Level B1| Set 8

Passage 16: The Future of Electric Vehicles

A.Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular as the world moves toward sustainable energy solutions. Unlike traditional vehicles powered by internal combustion engines, EVs run on electricity, which can be generated from renewable sources like solar, wind, and hydropower. This shift to electric mobility offers numerous environmental benefits, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions and decreased air pollution in cities. As a result, many governments are promoting the adoption of EVs through incentives such as tax rebates and subsidies.

B.However, the widespread adoption of electric vehicles faces challenges. The current infrastructure for charging EVs is limited, especially in rural areas. Additionally, the range of electric vehicles—how far they can travel on a single charge—remains a concern for many consumers. Advances in battery technology are gradually addressing these issues, but there is still work to be done to make EVs more practical for everyday use.

C.Despite these challenges, the future of electric vehicles looks promising. As technology continues to improve and the cost of batteries decreases, electric vehicles are expected to become more accessible to the average consumer. The transition to electric mobility is a crucial step in reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and mitigating the effects of climate change.

Comprehension Questions 

  1. What is one environmental benefit of electric vehicles mentioned in the passage?
    a) Increased greenhouse gas emissions
    b) Reduced air pollution
    c) Greater fuel consumption
    d) Higher energy costs
  2. What is a challenge facing the widespread adoption of electric vehicles?
    a) Lack of interest in renewable energy
    b) Limited charging infrastructure
    c) High greenhouse gas emissions
    d) Overpopulation
  3. True/False:
    The passage states that battery technology has fully resolved the range issue for electric vehicles.
    a) True
    b) False
  4. Governments are promoting electric vehicles by offering tax rebates and subsidies.
    a) True
    b) False
  5. Fill in the Blank:
    Electric vehicles run on ______, which can be generated from renewable sources.
    (Answer: electricity)
  6. Advances in ______ technology are helping to improve the range of electric vehicles.

7.Select the synonym for “promising” as used in the passage.
a) Doubtful
b) Hopeful
c) Negative
d) Uncertain

8.Choose the word closest in meaning to “adoption” in the context of the passage.
a) Rejection
b) Acceptance
c) Abandonment
d) Criticism

9.The opposite of “limited” in the passage is:
a) Abundant
b) Restricted
c) Insufficient
d) Scarce

10.Select the antonym of “renewable” from the options below.
a) Sustainable
b) Exhaustible
c) Inexhaustible
d) Clean

11.Which of the following are challenges mentioned in the passage for the adoption of electric vehicles? (Select all that apply.)
a) Limited charging infrastructure
b) High levels of pollution
c) Range concerns
d) Increasing fuel prices

12.The passage suggests that the future of electric vehicles is uncertain.
a) True
b) False

Passage 17: The Influence of Social Media on Communication

A.Social media has transformed the way people communicate and interact with each other. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow users to share their thoughts, experiences, and opinions instantly with a global audience. This instant connectivity has bridged geographical gaps, making it easier to maintain relationships across long distances. Social media also provides a platform for raising awareness about important issues, organizing events, and fostering online communities.

B.However, social media has also changed communication in ways that are not always positive. The fast-paced nature of online interaction can lead to misunderstandings, as messages are often brief and lacking in context. Additionally, the anonymity provided by some platforms can encourage negative behaviors, such as cyberbullying and spreading misinformation. The constant exposure to carefully curated content can also create unrealistic expectations and contribute to feelings of inadequacy and anxiety.

C.Despite these drawbacks, social media remains a powerful tool for communication in the modern world. It is important for users to approach social media mindfully, recognizing both its benefits and potential risks. By using these platforms responsibly, individuals can harness the positive aspects of social media while minimizing its negative effects.

Comprehension Questions 

  1. What is one positive impact of social media mentioned in the passage?
    a) Encouraging cyberbullying
    b) Spreading misinformation
    c) Bridging geographical gaps
    d) Creating unrealistic expectations
  2. What is a negative impact of social media according to the passage?
    a) Enhancing in-person communication
    b) Promoting instant connectivity
    c) Encouraging negative behaviors
    d) Raising awareness about issues
  3. True/False:
    Social media has only positive effects on communication.
    a) True
    b) False
  4. The passage suggests that social media can create unrealistic expectations.
    a) True
    b) False
  5. Fill in the Blank:
    Social media allows users to share their thoughts and experiences with a ______ audience.

6.Fill in the Blank:
The anonymity of social media can sometimes lead to ______ behaviors.

7.The passage implies that social media should be used responsibly.
a) True
b) False

8.Select the synonym for “curated” as used in the passage.
a) Random
b) Selected
c) Messy
d) Ignored

9.Choose the synonym for “fostering” in the context of online communities.
a) Discouraging
b) Preventing
c) Nurturing
d) Abandoning

10.The opposite of “benefits” in the passage is:
a) Drawbacks
b) Gains
c) Improvements
d) Profits

11.Select the antonym of “connectivity” from the options below.
a) Disconnection
b) Communication
c) Networking
d) Integration

12.Multiple Answers:
Which of the following are negative impacts of social media according to the passage? (Select all that apply.)
a) Creating unrealistic expectations
b) Bridging geographical gaps
c) Encouraging cyberbullying
d) Raising awareness about issues

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