Use of Few, A Few, The Few and Little, A Little, The Little


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You, Exactly landed on right Place.

Today, I will be discussing how and where we use Few, A Few, The Few and Little, A Little, The Little with all rules, examples and Exercise. I ensure you will get a complete idea to write and solve question related to it. After reading this page you will find the secret to score outstanding marks in the board examination.

Let’s get started

Introduction: We use Few, A Few, The Few with Plural and Countable Nouns. It tells us about the number.

Few is used in the Negative sense. When we possess something insufficient, we use Few.


  1.  We have few books to prepare for the exam.
  2. They have few pages to complete the project.
  3. There are few boys in the class to mark attendance.

A few is used in Positive Sense. When there is something though low in the number but sufficient, we use A Few.


  1. She had a few friends in the class.
  2. The boy has a few clothes.
  3. We bought a few eggs from there.

The Few means All That is Left. We use The Few when we talk about all the things that we possess.


  1. I have read all the few books given by him.
  2. The few clothes he had, all burnt in the fire.
  3. The few eggs she has bought, have been broken by the children.

Little, A Little, The Little.

Introduction: We use Little, A Little, The Little with Singular and Uncountable Nouns. It tells about Quantity.

Little is used in the Negative sense. When we possess something insufficient, we use Little.


  1.  We have Little money to help him.
  2. There is little fuel in the car to go so far.
  3. There is little milk to make tea.

A Little is used in the Positive Sense. When there is something though less in quantity but sufficient, we use A Little.


  1. She had a little coffee to share.
  2. I have coffee with a little milk,
  3. I plucked a little flower from your garden.

The Little means All That is Left. We use The Little when we talk about all the things that we possess.


  1. Someone has stolen the little money I had.
  2. He made dirty the little water left in the jar.
  3. The child drank the little milk at night.

Content WriterMohammad Anas.….Edited byShadab Akhtar.

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