The Song Of the free

The Song Of The Free|Summary|Explanation|Central Idea|figure of speech

Points For Discussion

Hello, Dear readers,

Today, I will be discussing all the important points mentioned in this poem, ” The Song Of The Free” composed Swami Vivekanand. I ensure you will get a complete idea to write the summary, central idea and explanation of the poem orderly. You will be able to write the specification and figure of speech used in this poem too. After reading this page you will find the secret to score outstanding marks in the board examination. Let’s get started.

Running is the greatest metaphor for life because you get out of it what you put into it.

Oprah Winfrey

Content: The Song Of The Free

  • About the Poet,
  • Short introduction of the Poem,
  • Text Of the Poem
  • Central Idea of the Poem (English and Hindi)
  • Reference, Context and Explanation
  • Relevant Quotations and statements
  • Specification (Themes and figure of speech etc.)
  • Moral Of The Poem

About The Poet: Swami Vivekanand

Swami Vivekananda was born on 12 January 1863. He was an Indian Hindu monk, a chief disciple of the 19th-century Indian mystic Ramakrishna

He was a key figure in the introduction of the Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the Western world.  He was a major force in the revival of Hinduism in India.

He also contributed to the concept of Indian nationalism as a tool of the fight against the British empire in colonial India. Vivekananda founded the Ramakrishna Math and the Ramakrishna Mission. (Wikipedia)

Introduction: The Song Of The Free

“The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win.”

Roger Bannister

The Song of the free is one of the most famous poems of Swami which motivates the readers a lot. This Poem is basically express the reality of life and associate the adversities of mankind to the natural phenomena.

This poem encourages people who face lots of hurdles and difficulties in their lives. It suggests that people should not be disheartened with suffering and pain of life because the upheavals and odd situations are part of it. A man should fight bravely to achieve their goals.

The Song Of The Free

The wounded snake its hood unfurls,
The flame stirred up doth blaze,
The desert air resounds the calls
Of heart-struck lion’s rage.

The cloud puts forth it deluge strength
When lightning cleaves its breast,
When the soul is stirred to its in most depth
Great ones unfold their best.

Let eyes grow dim and heart grow faint,
And friendship fail and love betray,
Let Fate its hundred horrors send,
And clotted darkness block the way

All nature wear one angry frown,
To crush you out – still know, my soul,
You are Divine. March on and on,
Nor right nor left but to the goal.

Central Idea: The Song Of The Free

Swami Vivekanand inspires people to stick to the right path to attain their goal in life even in difficult conditions. He gives many examples to prove that problems bring out the best-hidden qualities inside us.

People, who undergo pain and suffering in life, become more tolerant and they become better human beings. He says that when a snake is injured, it opens its hood to show its strength.

When we try to blow out a flame, it burns some more brightly. A lion, who is injured in gunshot roars more loudly. Lighting always results in heavy rainfall.

Similarly, when people undergo the pain they would realise their strength. The poet says one should not be afraid of any hardship in life. They would rather face them boldly whether it is a natural calamity are a physical or mental pain.

Hindi Translation: The Song Of The Free

स्वामी विवेकानंद ने लोगों को कठिन परिस्थितियों में भी जीवन में अपने लक्ष्य को पाने के लिए सही राह पर चलने के लिए प्रेरित किया। वह यह साबित करने के लिए कई उदाहरण देता है कि समस्याएं हमारे अंदर सबसे अच्छे गुणों को छिपाती हैं।

जीवन में दुख और पीड़ा से गुजरने वाले लोग अधिक सहिष्णु हो जाते हैं और वे एक बेहतर इंसान बन जाते हैं। उनका कहना है कि जब कोई सांप घायल होता है, तो वह अपनी ताकत दिखाने के लिए अपना हुड खोलता है।

जब हम एक लौ को उड़ाने की कोशिश करते हैं, तो यह कुछ और चमकता है। एक शेर, जो बंदूक की गोली से घायल हो जाता है, अधिक जोर से रोता है। प्रकाश से हमेशा भारी वर्षा होती है।

इसी तरह, जब लोग दर्द से गुजरते हैं तो उन्हें अपनी ताकत का एहसास होता है। कवि कहता है कि जीवन में किसी भी कठिनाई से नहीं डरना चाहिए। वे उन्हें साहसपूर्वक सामना करेंगे, चाहे वह एक प्राकृतिक आपदा हो शारीरिक या मानसिक पीड़ा।

Note: Hindi version is a machine translation, not professionally translated. so you are recommended to go through the English Version.

Stanza 1

The wounded………………………………………lion’s rage.

Reference: These lines are taken from the poem, ” The Song Of The Free” composed by the great monk Swami Vivekanand.

Context: The poet believes that if someone’s soul is being stirred deeply, it shows its best-hidden quality. He gives many examples to prove his points. Those, who can sustain torture and harassment, can be a better person.


The poet says that the snake opens its hood when it is hurt to show its power. If we blow up a flame, it will burn brightly.

When a lion gets injured, it roars loudly and everyone gets scared. Therefore, a person becomes more powerful when he is being tortured and harassed.

One should always believe that our soul has a divine power that helps us to overcome any difficulty in life. One should thus, have faith in God.

Quick Points And Keywords

  • Example from nature has taken to inspire the people
  • Snake hood unfurl when it is hurt to show its power
  • Similarly flame of the fire
  • A lion roars loudly when it gets injury.
  • A man should also show the power of his divine soul at time of adversity.

Stanza 2

The cloud puts…………………………………………their best.

Context: The poet talks about the importance of divine power. If we are undergoing pain and suffering, it will make us a better person in life to overcome difficulties.


The poet gives various examples to prove that our soul has hidden power in it. If someone stirs it, the great idea comes out of it. When there is lightning in the sky, it results in heavy rainfall.

Therefore, human beings should have faith in God and his ways of doing things. Hardship makes us a better person and one should face all the hurdles bodily in life. It will reward us later in life.

Keywords and Quick Points

  • Again the poet took the example from nature.
  • When cloud thunder and Sky start lighting it pours heavy rainfall
  • Mankind should also reflect his hidden force when he gets hurt and  face a tough time

Every bad situation will have something positive . Even a dead clock shows the correct time twice a day.


Stanza 3

Let’s eyes ……………………………………………………block the way

Context: According to the poet, one should not lose faith in God despite all odds in life. When the soul is stirred very deeply, a great man reveals the gems in the hidden in the depth.


The saint poets Vivekananda says that we should believe in God and have faith in acts of The almighty. Eyes may fail to see clearly. The heart may become very weak. Friends may desert us. Our beloved wife may be disloyal to us. Misfortune may send a number of great fear.

Complete darkness may block our ways. Ignorance may check our progress or we are not able to proceed on the path of knowledge, in all circumstances, we should have faith in our divine soul.

Quick Points And Keywords

  • In the journey of your Life goals, you relationship may be unfriendly and unfair with your concern people.
  • Even though, you should not give up and must have faith in God.

Sometimes it is very hard to move on but once you move on, you’ll realise it was the best decision


Stanza 4

All nature wear……………………………. but the goal.

Context: The poet says it is natural to face physical are mental pain in life. A human being can face many difficulties in life, but they should remember that they have divine power hidden in them which will help them overcome all problems in life.


The poet says we can face any trouble in life. Life may get affected due to difficulties and such things can crush us completely. There might be a time when we are helpless. Even then, we should continue with the good work and move forward to achieve our goal in life.

We should always remember that our divine powers will help us overcome any problems in life.

One should never leave the right path and it should continue to have faith in God despite all pain and suffering in life. Such problems will make us a better person.

Keywords and Quick Points

  • If nature is not in your favour though you should not worry
  • You should focus on your goal instead of distraction

Keep your face and always toward the sun and shadow will fall behind you

Walt Whitman

Specification: ‘The Song of the Free’

  • Adversities are the part of the life.
  • Problems are good to bring out the best version of the SELF
  • Each mankind has divine attributes that help one to overcome the hurdles and troubles of life
  • The nature is a good teacher and demonstrates its own strength to us
  • The Soul of mankind is immortal and has infinite power to do anything.

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