
Future Perfect Tense

Function|Story Comprehension|Translation|Passage |Exercise

Future Perfect Tense is used to refer to something that has not happened yet but will happen before a certain time in the future.


  1. He will have finished his lunch.
  2. They shall have reached the station.

Affirmative Sentence

Subject+Will/Shall+Have+Verb[3rd form of verb]+Object+Place+Time.

Example:-He will have written a letter to his mother by Sunday.

Negative Sentence

Subject+Shall/Will+Not+Have+Verb[3rd form of verb]+Object+Place+Time.

Example:-He will not have  written a letter to his father by Monday.

Interrogative Sentence

Shall/Will+Subject+Not+Have+Verb[3rd form of verb]+Object+Place+Time.

Example:-Will he not have written a letter to his father by Monday?

Main Interrogative Sentence

Question Word+Shall/Will+Subject+Not+Not+Verb[3rd form of verb]+Object+Place+Time.

Example:-Why shall he not have written a letter to his father by Monday?

When there are two clauses or for double sentences.

  • When Before is  in the middle-

Affirmative Sentence

Subject + Will/Shall + Have + past participle form of the main verb + before + subject + simple present tense . . . .

  1. Mohan will have completed his assignment before the teacher asks.
  2. I shall have brought sweets before you come here.

Negative sentence

Subject + Will/Shall + not + have + past participle form of the main verb + before + subject + simple present tense . . . .

  1. Mohan will not have completed his assignment before the teacher asks.
  2. I shall not have brought sweets before you come here.

Interrogative Sentence

Will/Shall + Subject +  not + have + past participle form of the main verb + before + subject + simple present tense . . . .

  1. Will  Mohan not have completed his assignment before the teacher asks?
  2. Shall I not have brought sweets before you come here?

Main Interrogative Sentence

Question Word + Shall/Will + Subject +  not + Have + past participle form of the main verb + before + subject + simple present tense . . . .

  1. Why shall Mohan not have  completed his assignment before the teacher asks?
  2. Where shall I have  brought sweets before you come here?
  • When Before is in the beginning

Affirmative Sentence

Before + subject + simple present tense + subject + Will/Shall + have + past participle form of the verb +. . . .

  1. Before the father goes to the office, he will have given me some money.
  2. Before he reaches the station we shall have bought the platform ticket.

Negative Sentence

Before + subject + simple present tense + subject + Shall/will + not + have + past participle form of the verb +. . . .

  1. Before the father goes to the office, he will not have given me some money.
  2. Before he reaches the station we shall not have bought the platform ticket.

Interrogative Sentence

Before + subject + simple present tense + shall/will + subject + not + have + past participle form of the verb +. . . .

  1. Before the father goes to the office, will he not have given me some money?
  2. Before he reaches the station, shall we not have bought the platform ticket?

Main Interrogative Sentence

Before + subject + simple present tense + question word + shall/will + subject + not + have + past participle form of the verb +. . . .

  1. Before the father goes to the office,where will he have given me some money?
  2. Before he reaches the  station,why shall we not have bought the platform ticket?
  • When After is in the middle.

Affirmative Sentence

Subject + simple present tense + after + subject + will/shall + have + past participle . . . .

  1. My brother reaches the station after the train will have gone.
  2. I sleep at night after I shall have eaten the food.

Negative Sentence

Subject + do/does + not + verb + after + subject + shall/will + have + past participle . . . .

  1. My brother does not reach the station after the train will have gone.
  2. I do not sleep at night after I shall have eaten the food.

Interrogative sentence

Do/does + Subject + not + verb + after + subject + shall/will + have + past participle . . . .

  1. Does my brother reach the station after the train will have gone?
  2. Do I not sleep at night after I shall have eaten the food?

Main Interrogative sentence

Question word + do/does + Subject + not + verb + after + subject + will/shall + have + past participle . . . .

  1. Why does my brother reach the station after the train will have gone?
  2. Where do I not sleep at night after I shall have eaten the food?
  • When After is in the beginning

Affirmative Sentence

After + subject + shall/will + have + past participle + subject + simple present tense .

After the boys will have gone, the teacher calls him.

After I shall have come home, we eat the food.

Negative Sentence

After + subject + will/shall + have + past participle + subject + simple past tense{in negative form}.

After the boys will have gone, the teacher does not call him.

After we shall have come home, we do not eat the food.

Interrogative sentence

After + subject + shall/will + have + past participle + subject + simple past tense{in interrogative form} . . . .

After the boys will have gone, does the teacher not call him?

After we shall have come home, do we not eat the food?

Main Interrogative sentence

After + subject + will/shall + have + past participle + subject + simple past tense{in main  interrogative form} . . . .

  1. After the boys will have gone,why does the teacher call him?
  2. After we shall have  come home,when do we eat the food?

Note:- WHEN can be used in place of BEFORE or AFTER in any of the above structures.

Reading Comprehension

Halku is a farmer. He owns a big farm. He plants crops in his fields in the spring. By the time he finishes planting this spring, he will have planted 10 acres of crops. He is going to have planted many crops.

Halku must finish planting before it starts to rain. He is working hard. At this rate, he will have finished planting before it rains. Halku and his horse will have worked many long hours by the time they finish tonight.

Answer the following Questions

  1.  By the time he finishes planting this spring, how many acres will Halku have planted?
  2. What is Halku going to do?
  3. When must Halku have finished planting?
  4. Who will have worked many long hours?

Read the following story and frame Questions and Answers

Rohan and Sohan are paddling their canoe down the river. They are traveling a long distance through trees and canyons. They will have paddled for many miles by the time they arrive at their destination. They are going to have been gone for 2 weeks by the time they finish their trip.

They are going to have seen many sights by the time their trip is completed. They probably will have seen many wild animals. They will have eaten many fish. They will not have seen many other people by the end of their trip.

Read the following story and frame Questions and Answers

Maanav is in the army. Tomorrow, he will leave home to join his troops overseas for 15 months. He will have trained for 5 months by the time he leaves. He will have worked very hard by the time he comes home.

By the time he returns, he is going to have been gone for 15 months. His wife and children  will have worried about him all that time. They will have written many letters by the time he comes home. They will be happy when he returns safely.

Translate the Following Sentence Into English

  1. We shall have learned our lesson before you come.
  2. I shall have taken my coffee before 7 AM. 
  3. They will have played cricket before the sunsets.
  4. I read my book after you will have come.
  5. Ramesh writes an essay after the teacher will have come 
  6. She will not have written the letter before Hari comes.
  7. The child will not have drunk milk before he sleeps.
  8. I do not learn the poem after I shall have reached school. 
  9. Meera does not clean the table after the guests will have gone. 
  10. Before he comes here, we shall have finished our work. 
  11. Will the boys have played the match before it is seven?
  12. Shall we not have purchased the tickets before the train arrives.
  13. Does the boy not eat food after his mother will have come? 
  14. Shall I have reached the airport before he arrives? 
  15. Do the players play hockey after the rain will have stopped? 
  16. How many boys will have come here before the sun sets?
  17. Before the teacher comes, who will have punished your son?
  18. Why will he not have gone before it rains?
  19. How does the gardener pluck the rose after the rain will have started? 
  20. Why will Mohan not have gone to Lucknow before his brother comes from London? 

Translate the Following Sentences into English

Translate From Hindi To English.

  1. तुम्हारे जाने से पूर्व वह अपनी पुस्तक पढ़ चुकेगा।
  2. रात होने से पूर्व हम अपने घर पहुँच चुकेंगे।
  3. हैड मास्टर साहब के आने से पहले विद्यार्थी अपनी कक्षाओं में पहुँच चुकेंगे।
  4. सूर्य निकलने के बाद किसान अपने खेतों में पहुँच चुकेंगे।
  5. सूर्य अस्त होने के बाद ये यात्री होटल पहुँच चुकेंगे।
  6. तुम्हारे सोने से पहले हम दूध नहीं पी चुकेंगे।
  7. मास्टर साहब के आने से पहले अकरम कार्य समाप्त नहीं कर चुकेगा। 
  8. अम्बरीश दस बजे तक सहारनपुर नहीं पहुंच चुकेगा। 
  9. मेरे पत्र लिखने के बाद भाई साहब नाश्ता नहीं कर चुकेंगे।
  10. माली के जाने के बाद ये लड़के बाग से फूल तोड़ चुकेंगे।
  11. क्या हमारे स्कूल पहुंचने से पहले चपरासी घण्टी बजा चुकेगा?
  12. क्या तुम्हारे सोने से पहले पिताजी नहीं अपना कार्य समाप्त कर चुकेंगे?
  13. क्या माताजी के सोने से पहले पिताजी खाना खा चुकेंगे?
  14. क्या बारिश होने से पहले तुम स्टेशन नहीं पहुँच चुकोगे?
  15. क्या रैफरी के आने से पहले ये खिलाड़ी मैदान में एकत्रित हो चुकेंगे?
  16. परीक्षा समाप्त होने से पहले तुम कितने प्रश्न हल कर चुकोगे
  17. भाई साहब के आने से पहले शीला निबन्ध क्यों नहीं लिख चुकेगी?
  18. मेहमानों के सोने के बाद यह रसोइया चाय क्यों बना चुकेगा?
  19. मेरे आने के बाद तुम्हें कौन बुला चुकेगा? 
  20. मेरे जाने से पूर्व कौन-सा लड़का कमरा साफ कर चुकेगा? 

Content WriterMohammad Anas.….. Edited by– Shadab Akhtar.

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