Functional English

On this special page if the website, users will find a variety of ESL/EFL learning materials, games, worksheets and activities on the basis of language functionality.

Teaching or learning the English language through function is always interesting and easy to learn. The most common expressions of every day spoken English are practiced by developing context and situation while teaching.

In this modern method of language teaching, learners are engaged to perform the various functions of language such as making requests, giving advice, complaining, agreeing, asking permission, etc.

Through functional English, students develop the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in various situations in day to day English conversation. Functional language deals with a lot of fixed, natural, easy, and contextualized expressions.

As we know that functions of any language are limited but expressions are countless, therefore, it is a better way to make the learners aware of the function of language by teaching all the basic structures of language through grammar.

Functional language can be taught early in a student’s English language development. There are some basic structures that when introduced enable students to make themselves understood even if their level of English is quite low.

The teaching-learning resources in this section contain worksheets, lessons, games, and fun communicative activities to help demonstrate and practice each function. The teaching activities are categorized, according to the level and type of activity.

We organized language structure in context so that learners can understand each structure with real experience and context. We have also created a variety of activities on other pages (Conversational English) that use dialogues and role-plays based on realistic situations.

By focusing on and practicing these expressions and structures regularly, students will be able to build on their English language knowledge and communicate successfully.

Some Important Language Functions

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