Class Management and Discipline Mantra

Instruction to be followed by students

  1. Feel Comfortable and confident 
  2. Be active listener
  3. No gossiping no interruption when the teacher is talking to someone
  4. Reaction and expression will be appreciated as per the talk and content
  5. No mockery No criticism 
  6. Active participation is mandatory
  7. Take permission to leave the class or to enter the class for any reason
  8. Initial mistakes will be rewarded.
  9. The assignment and activity must be complete and should be kept in your record file.
  10.  Students’ complaints will not be entertained except monitor

Discipline Reward: the class will be awarded for their manner and discipline at the end of each month

Morning affirmation and Mantra for disciplined classroom

 Close your eyes for 2 minutes- 

  1. Think about your life. Life is the most precious gift.
  2. Think about your healthy body and its organs.
  3. Think about the basic needs you are blessed with-
  4. Think about the day and night. 
  5. Think about the relationship. 


  1. Thank God you gave me a precious life
  2. Thank you Allah for giving me a healthy life
  3. Thank you Allah for your blessing, you blessed me with a healthy brain, eyes, hands, legs, ears, ears, and many more healthy organs. 
  4. Thank you, Allah! you gave me free air, water oxygen, and the entire nature.
  5. Thank you, Allah, for giving us Day and Night. 
  6. Thank you, Allah, for your blessing given in the different forms of relationships like mother and father, sister and brother, teacher and guide.

Promise to Self- 

  1. My time is precious so I will use it in the most productive way. 
  2. My life is precious so I will not spoil it at any cost. 
  3. My body is the Amanah of Allah I will use it in the best possible way. 
  4. I will be honest with myself
  5. Self-disciple is the mantra of my life. I will follow this mantra in my life.
  6. I do not cheat myself, my parents, my teachers, and my mentor
  7. I will respect my elders, younger, parents, and teachers.
  8. I will respect every human being. 
  9. I will defeat the devil by using my conscience. 
  10. I am committed to my personal growth.
  11. I will be productive today.
  12. I will accomplish all my tasks today.

Boosting Confidence-

  1. I am excited for today.
  2. I know my worth.
  3. I am open to opportunities.
  4. I love myself because I am precious. 
  5. I’m going to have a great day.
  6. Today and every day I am blessed.
  7. I am full of joy.
  8. I am positive.
  9. Every day I am better than before.
  10. My body is powerful.
  11. I am focused.
  12. I attract success.
  13. Every day I embody the best version of myself.
  14. My mind is clear
  15. I believe in myself.
  16. I am a wonderful person.
  17. My confidence and self-esteem are high.
  18. I love who I am.
  19. The people in my life love and support me

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