Ask for Help in English|20+native Expressions

How often we have to ask for help to accomplish any task in everyday conversation. Asking for any kind of assistance from someone is an extremely common function of language.

To use appropriate and native collocation and expressions make a good impression on the listeners. English learners generally do not care about the appropriateness of language rather they focus on grammatical structure or accuracy.

We must know that every natural language has limited functions and infinite ways and forms to express the same functions. The form of language to express any function depends on context and situation.

Therefore, to get the audience’s attention we must know which form of expression should we use. At the same time, we mustn’t forget to use the proper tone of language.

In this post,  you will find  20+ native formal and informal expressions.

Formal Expressions Asking for Help

Formal English is used in for example, in offices, professional departments, books, official documents, news reports, business letters or official speeches. Generally, two different levels (high to low and low to high) of profile talk is a particular setting.

Example: Boss and Employee, teacher and students, managers and assistant etc. We also often use formal English expressions with a stranger to ask for any help.

Could “could you help me, please?” which means is it possible for you to help?

Would “would you help me?” which means are you willing to help?

Would you mind helping me? This expression is mostly used to ask for help from stranger at any public place.

Can you give me a hand for a minute, Please?

Could you lend me a hand?

These expressions are often used by native speakers in formal and semi-formal situations like colleagues, doctors to patients, strangers, etc.

Informal Expressions Asking for Help

Informal English is used in daily conversation, personal emails and social media chat, celebration party, at home, at the the restaurants with friends etc.

In general, participants are intimate and close in relation to each other. They may be your close relatives, family members, room partners, husband and wife, school or college friends, cousins, colleague, etc.

In a formal writing, sentences are longer and more complex whereas in informal writing they are shorter and simpler.

To help someone out

I need to translate this paragraph. Can you help me out, Ravi?

His neighbour helped him out when Shalini bought his first house.

(To) do (someone) a favour

My teacher really did me a favour by introducing me to the director.

Maria keeps asking me for favours.

She returned the favour last week, she took me to the restaurants.

Will you help me?

Tomorrow, I am leaving for Mumbai, will you help me to book my ticket?

I need some assistance.

I am gonna New York for audition day after tomorrow, I need some assistance, Roman.

Could you hold this for a moment?

This Expression can be used in a particular situation, suppose you are carrying a box in one hand a basket in the other hand, suddenly, your smartphone started ringing in your pocket. You may ask for help from someone around you.

A: Could you hold this for a moment please?

B: Sure, no problem.

I need your support

This expression is considered as cliche in a political election when contestants ask for a vote in their favor to the voters. But this phrase is often used in everyday conversation too.

Can I ask a  favour

It is a general and informal way of introducing a request for help.

Could you give me a digout?

This expression is commonly used by native speakers in informal situations. You may use this sentence to ask for assistance when you are stuck while doing some important task.

Functions of language are finite but the form of the expressions may be uncountable. So, you are free to add more expression to show your agreement and disagreement. Keep learning ….All The Best!

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